JOINT GLOBAL STATEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE FROM THE PROFESSIONAL BODIES FOR COACHING, COACHING PSYCHOLOGY, MENTORING & SUPERVISION Humankind faces one of its biggest challenges in the current climate and biodiversity crisis. This challenge has been building for...

Body Talk

A recent survey found that nearly three-quarters of you are members of a professional coaching organisation. But for those of you who aren’t, confusion still reigns. Liz Hall brings clarity with an in-depth look at what’s on offer. Professional bodies aren’t...

News: Coach sails

Clipper world race for H2O children’s charity. Despite never having sailed before, Terezia Koczka, is taking to the high seas in the Clipper Round the World Race to raise funds for charity. Executive coach Koczka is rising to the challenge, both to celebrate her 60th...

Viewpoint; Help or harm?

by Sarah Dale Does coaching work? Should we use hard evidence or our own judgment to tell us if it’s good? Or is client feedback enough? As an occupational psychologist who coaches, I was pleased to attend discussions about the evidence for coaching effectiveness at...