by Coaching at Work | Feb 25, 2019 | Articles, Relationship SOS |
Our themes of Recognise, Release and Reframe are brought together in this final column on the theme of Respond: how to apply this self-knowledge and inner work to a relationship By Nicole Berg The quality of your life will never be greater than the quality of...
by Coaching at Work | Jan 3, 2019 | Articles, Relationship SOS |
Sometimes simply giving a person space is all they need to make a change. This article discusses reframing beliefs in a challenging relationship to allow space for growth. Nicole Berg explains When I was six years old, my mother tells me, I was bullied by a...
by Coaching at Work | Nov 2, 2018 | Articles, Relationship SOS |
The emotional hijack – how do you coach a client to increase their emotional regulation and prevent them ‘shutting down’, asks Nicole Berg If you’re like me, now and again you’ll have a client with whom you really, really enjoy working. (I count myself lucky as this...
by Coaching at Work | Aug 30, 2018 | Articles, Relationship SOS |
Resistance, even by a single employee, can hinder major workplace change. Strong relations must be forged if that change is to be accepted. The TRUST equation helps benchmark trustworthiness – and get your plan back on track by Nicole Berg A client of mine, Maria, has...
by Coaching at Work | Jul 9, 2018 | Articles, Relationship SOS |
In this issue we examine Stephen Covey’s spheres of concern, influence and control and their impact in relationships, with a goal to helping clients identify and consciously choose where to focus their time and energy By Nicole Berg Most of us have had the...
by Coaching at Work | Apr 13, 2018 | Articles, Relationship SOS |
Raising awareness of disruptive behaviours in relationships – Part 4. How can a coach help a client address behaviours and take responsibility for their part in creating an unhealthy relationship dynamic? This issue: stonewalling Nicole Berg If you’re like me, you...