
Continuing our series looking at coaching tools and techniques, Coaching at Work road-tests the photoVoyage process THE WOW! FACTOR photoVoyage is a process that combines portrait photographs with facilitated conversation, raising self-awareness and allowing us to see...


How did a single coaching initiative at the NHS, with only modest support, lead to shifts in management thinking, enhanced leadership capability and a reassessment of customer-facing practices? Mark McKergow, Antoinette Oglethorpe and Justine Faulkner report Avon and...

Conference 2014

Coaching and Mentoring at Work conference: SOLD OUT Already booked? Go to home page here for programme, speakers, sponsors and more.  Wednesday 2nd July 2014 All systems go: holistic, forward-thinking best practice in coaching and mentoring. Conference material from...

Survey: Are we ready for 2012?

Coaches and mentors must prove their worth as they face an uncertain year ahead. Coaching at Work’s readers’ survey shows they are well-prepared for the challenge Responding to current challenges such as the economy and demonstrating ROI/value for money (VFM) are top...