Title Managing Coaching at Work: Developing, Evaluating and Sustaining Coaching in Organizations

Authors Jackie Keddy and Clive Johnson

Publisher Kogan Page

ISBN 978 0 7494 6136 2

Usefulness 5

This book offers unexpected richness. Its title suggests it is aimed at managers of coaching programmes, but it is just as useful for coaches themselves. Add in the companion website, with its templates, articles, podcasts and videos, and you have a practical, comprehensive manual for introducing, implementing, managing and sustaining structured, flexible and responsive programmes in organisations.

The authors take the reader from an examination of what coaching is, through refreshing questioning about whether coaching is always the right intervention, to the heart of the book: a process for the preparation, implementation, sustaining, auditing and evaluating of coaching, supported by practical and accessible tools and templates.

A structure for training in-house coaches, drawing on the authors’ broad knowledge of coaching schools, is especially useful, as is the section on sustaining and developing coaching.

The authors are wide-ranging in their approaches and tools. The wealth of theoretical knowledge, sharp-end practicality and experience, graphic case studies and powerful illustrations, make for compelling reading.

My abiding image is of successfully nailing jelly to the wall.

Exectuive coach Lindsay Wittenberg is managing director of Lindsay Wittenberg Ltd 

Coaching at Work, Volume 7, Issue 1