by Coaching at Work | May 1, 2023 | Articles, News, NEWS FEED
Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has garnered global attention. There is excitement about its potential but also concerns – privacy worries, for example, have prompted Italy to become the first Western country to block ChatGPT. CIPD CEO Peter Cheese recently...
by Coaching at Work | May 1, 2023 | Articles, News, NEWS FEED, Obituary
Just 50 years old, Darren Robson, a prominent figure in the coaching profession, died unexpectedly last month (April). A rare talent indeed, below, we pay tribute to him. Darren Robson was a global board director at the Association for Coaching and an...
by Coaching at Work | May 1, 2023 | Uncategorized
Ethics: straight talking and myth busting. This was the theme of the fourth roundtable on climate change from the Joint Global Statement Group (JGSG) on Climate and Ecodiversity Crises. The fourth Roundtable on 21 March was hosted by the Association of Coaching...
by Coaching at Work | May 1, 2023 | Articles, News, NEWS FEED
Some 58% workers wouldn’t work for a company with different values to theirs – and for 53%, not even a pay rise would change their minds, finds research by professional services network, LinkedIn. Two-thirds of people in the UK consider it important to work for a...
by Coaching at Work | May 1, 2023 | Articles, News, Online round-up
Some 69% of women feel anxiety or worry about negotiating pay, with 20% fearing that asking for a salary boost will damage their career, finds a study by pay software company, Syndio. Top study responses were: fear of rejection (25%), lack of confidence (23%) and...