Leading the way

In this three-part special report on coaching supervision to celebrate its 10th birthday in the UK, we look at where we’ve come from, where we are and where we’re going. We examine internal coaching supervision, as well as research from Australasia which asks: is it...

Reflecting on practice

In the second part of our special report on coaching supervision, we consider supervision and the needs of internal coach and the continuum of reflective practice … where does it start and stop? Part 2: David Clutterbuck, Carol Whitaker and Michelle Lucas look at how...

Show us proof

The idea that all coaches should undertake regular supervision doesn’t have much evidence to support it, say Paul Lawrence and Ann Whyte, in the final part of our special report on coaching supervision Part 3: How do coaches and clients in Australia and New Zealand...

Baby Boom

An Advanced Coaching Expertise programme is helping Danone’s senior managers up their game. But this is no one-off tool. The baby food producer has embarked on a company-wide journey that will reach all members of its staff. Rima Evans reports. When Danone Baby...