Coach from your wisdom, not your knowledge

By Ana Karakusevic Aboodi Shabi set the tone for the International Coach Federation UK´s event, The Art of Masterful Coaching, by challenging the common belief that we need more knowledge, stressing how we coach from our wisdom, and not our knowledge. Opening the...

The fast train

Fast-thinking, fast-speaking and entertaining Anne Scoular certainly is, but the Meyler Campbell co-founder and world-class coach trainer has been a reluctant interviewee in the past. But now she has a book to sell, she tells Liz Hall For years, Anne Scoular would...

Perspectives – a novel approach

What can we learn from how others see the world? This column peers through different lenses, exploring how ideas and perspectives might be woven into coaching and mentoring Eve Turner The harsh yet wise truths of a classic novel can teach us all we need to know about...