Welcome to the January 2011 issue of the newsletterA very Happy New Year to you all. Is internal coach supervision a case of the Emperor’s New Clothes? Or is it just what’s needed to help manage internal coaches? Read Balancing Act by Liz Macann and Alison Fletcher, the first of three articles on supervision in this issue. See also the Best of Health and I wish I’d… (See Highlights). You have to be a subscriber to access most of our content but we do have some freely available content- see Sample content below. Your opinion counts: please let us know what you would like to see more of and less of in the printed magazine, this newsletter and our website by taking five minutes or so to complete our Editorial Opinion survey. This year we will hold our first ever Coaching at Work coaching/mentoring conference since we bought Coaching at Work from the CIPD. We’re very excited! We are currently finalising dates but it is likely to be in the autumn. You can expect what you normally get from us- a refreshing, independent look at what’s going on, no hard sells, thought-provoking content, debate, respected speakers. Watch this space! We now have almost 2,500 members in the Coaching at Work LinkedIn group. See below for joining details and get involved in some hot debates! Liz Hall,
Let’s get connectedFollow us on Twitter at
http://twitter.com/CoachatWorkmag Join our global Coaching at Work Linkedin group athttp://www.linkedin.com/groups?mostPopular=&gid=2274910 Coach listHave you joined our coach list yet? or if you’re a buyer, have you used the list to help you find the coach/coaches you need? you can now upload a coaching at work coach listing member logo onto your website, emails and so on to show you’ve been approved. Go to: Sample our contentYou have to be a subscriber to access most of the articles on Coaching at Work website but we will soon feature a virtual tour of a recent magazine and there is some freely available content on the website, including the following:
Highlights of the January/February issue of the magazineThree-part special report on SUPERVISION: |
The Centre for CoachingThe Centre for Coaching runs a range of Middlesex University Accredited and Association for Coaching recognised modular coaching courses. |
If you want to advertise your organisation here, please contact Kate Thomas for more details. |
Book reviewsNancy Kline´s More Time to Think: A Way of Being in the World and Margaret Parkin´s Tales for Coaching: Using Stories and Metaphors with Individuals and Small Groups Read more Related article: Catalytic converter by Nancy Kline |
Viewpoint: Pressure gaugeby Henley´s Dr Patricia Bossons. How do you coach a stressed-out executive? Not from a place of problem solving or perfect solutions Read more |
Troubleshooter: Wake up callA local authority finance director wants a coaching programme for his reports. He is keen on the process and feels his team would benefit, but is unaware of how negative they are feeling Read more |
Stop PressAt last: clarity around associations accreditation schemesIn response to calls for greater clarity around accreditation, including in Coaching at Work magazine, the Association for Coaching UK, the Association for Professional Executive Coaches and Supervisors, the British Psychological Society´s Special Group in Coaching Psychology, the International Coach Federation and the Society of Coaching Psychology have compiled comparisons of their accreditation schemes. See the March issue of Coaching at Work for more details. Related article: View from the balcony column: accreditation AC UK to launch coach evaluation toolThe AC UK is set to launch a coach evaluation tool, CoachBack. The tool, the brainchild of AC UK chair Gladeana McMahon, will allow individuals and organisations to access statistics on the effectiveness of coaching. Reader offer winnersCongratulations to Mandy Muckalt of Roots For Success and Rebecca Peat of Nottingham Trent University who have both won a copy of Anthony Grant and Alison Leigh’s book Eight Steps to happiness . HRDJohn McGurk, CIPD adviser for learning and talent, will present a session called “Evaluation: demonstrating the impact of coaching” at this year´s HRD Learning and organisation development conference. Other speakers will include Shaun Lincoln, associate director, leadership and management, LSN, who will talk about equipping line managers with coaching skills. Coaching Commons RIPOnline coaching site, the Coaching Commons, a project set up by the Harnisch Foundation, has been chopped after failing to convince 1,000 “fans” to donate $40 each. The site was set up by Ruth-ann Harnisch at a time when coaching information and debate was thin on the ground and has made valuable contributions to the field, including asking difficult questions and fostering important discussions. Of course, as an independent magazine, Coaching at Work can continue to keep up the good work! Coaching Commons articles will be archived on the Institute of Coaching´s website |
News OnlineCoaching on the rise in NGOsInternal coaching and mentoring is on the increase in international humanitarian and development organisations, which have recognised they need to improve their leadership, according to a report from the Center for Creative Leadership and People In Aid. Read more Gladeana McMahon and David Clutterbuck are this year’s Coaching at Work People of the YearThis year’s Coaching at Work Coaching Person of the Year is Gladeana McMahon, re-elected chair of the Association for Coaching (AC) UK, while David Clutterbuck, co-founder of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council has been crowned as Coaching at Work Mentoring Person of the Year- a new award. McMahon will be profiled in the March issue. Read more Leaders’ ethical decisions based on personality type, suggests researchThe ability of leaders to exercise their ethical compass at work may be influenced by their personality, suggests a recent study by the Centre for Synchronous Leadership.Researcher Justine Lutterodt conducted in-depth interviews with 15 business leaders from the professional services sector to examine their approach to ethics at work. She presented her research at the 1st International Congress of Coaching Psychology on 14 December. Read more Darwin’s theories shed light on relations gapThere is a strong fear of ‘not knowing’ in Western culture, which can lead to a disconnect in the coaching relationship with either or both parties experiencing a sense of shame at not being ‘good enough’.This was one of the themes at a workshop on 22 November at London’s Natural History Museum on ‘Coaching Beyond Survival of the Fittest’, facilitated by Simon Cavicchia and Sue Glasser. Read more |
Diary datesJanuary26-27 January: London Learning & Skills exhibition http://www.learningandskillsevents.com/ March29-30 March: London European Mentoring & Coaching Council UK 4th annual conference April6-7 April: London HRD Learning and organisation development conference |
The Centre for CoachingThe Centre for Coaching runs a range of Middlesex University Accredited and Association for Coaching recognised modular coaching courses. |
If you want to advertise your organisation here, please contact Kate Thomas for more details. |