Speech therapy

The Clean Language approach helps clients find ‘new’ answers by thinking differently about the question. The coach plays a vital role here – by keeping out of their way, says Angela Dunbar The late New Zealand psychologist and therapist David Grove...

Inside out

More than 30 years after they first launched modern coaching and Inner Game thinking, Tim Gallwey and John Whitmore believe the approach has more to offer now than ever before Tim Gallwey and Sir John Whitmore, along with Laura Whitworth and Thomas Leonard, are often...

Multi story

Narrative coaching can be a powerful and transformative way for individuals to renew meaning in their lives. Ho Law and Reinhard Stelter take up the tale… A lot of coaching aims to unleash people’s potential to enhance their performance and achieve goals. Narrative...

Emotional appeal

Continuing our series looking at coaching tools and techniques, Coaching at Work road-tests the Individual Effectiveness questionnaire. The tool What is it? The Individual Effectiveness (IE) questionnaire measures 16 scales of Emotional Intelligence (EI), ranging from...