Enabling Success

Describes the shift towards proactive coaching – ie coaching for success. Adrian Starkey Proactive coaching can mean the difference between success and mere improvement. The key, as with most things, is timing Coaching skills are fundamental to a leader’s...

How would you define coaching

Various experts offer their personal definition of what coaching means to them Various For this issue we asked a number of coaches to come up with their own definition of what it means to coach. Their answers throw light on the difficulty of pinning down such a...

Mentor of Choice

Answers from two experts to a theoretical question regarding mentoring A middle manager’s appraisal indicates an area that is holding up his career. He chooses a mentor to help steer him through it. But the relationship appears to be going nowhere. Should he...

In their own words

Comments on coaching from a variety of experts Various “Coaching is a dance between thought and action and good coaches can manage that dance” Carole Pemberton, founder of Coaching to Solutions “Lots of people are aware, but don’t act. If a coach can’t move people to...

Talking heads

Round table discussion on coaching by leading experts and practitioners Liz Hall Coaching at Work’s first round table, in association with DDI, brought together industry experts and practitioners for a fascinating discussion on coaching.For coaching to be effective,...