Coaching on the rise

Liz Hall Some 82% of organisations use coaching but only a third evaluate it. Coaching take-up is higher than ever and is consistent across sectors, according to the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development´s (CIPD) 2010 Learning & Development (L&D)...

Solaglas is clear ICF winner

ICF Prism Awards 2009 Glass replacement and installation expert Solaglas has won an award for a coaching initiative for frontline managers that reaped a 490 per cent return on investment (ROI). The award-winning initiative also saved the business £797,000 in...

Multi story

Narrative coaching can be a powerful and transformative way for individuals to renew meaning in their lives. Ho Law and Reinhard Stelter take up the tale… A lot of coaching aims to unleash people’s potential to enhance their performance and achieve goals. Narrative...