Crowd pleaser

The story of the Coaches in Government Network is a lesson in what can be done when practitioners get together. Ken Smith, its founder and co-ordinator, shares the tale of its success One afternoon in 2006, after coaching a client who clearly experienced something...

Solaglas is clear ICF winner

ICF Prism Awards 2009 Glass replacement and installation expert Solaglas has won an award for a coaching initiative for frontline managers that reaped a 490 per cent return on investment (ROI). The award-winning initiative also saved the business £797,000 in...

beyond CONTROL

Coaching faces huge amounts of complexity. But must we always contain it in a change situation? Not according to Glenda Eoyang, creator of Human Systems Dynamics, and colleague Sally Gritten. They explain why we should embrace the uncertainty. Picture this: you’re...

Love’s labours lost

A survivor of a round of redundancies is now being coached as a potential high-flier. But she reveals that the upheaval has left her ambiguous about the company. How should coaching proceed? The problem Rachel works for a company that has fought hard to climb out of...