Do we connect?

If it’s true that women and men are ‘hardwired’ differently, what does that mean for how and who we coach? We asked two coaches who work together as business partners for their thoughts. SHE SAYS… JACKIE KEDDY Clive is the opposite to me in so many ways. His...

Women on the edge

Catherine Sandler and Kate Lanz work with executives on the borders of coachability. Some even have to be dragged to sessions. But shying away from a challenge just isn’t in these coaches’ joint nature, especially in such turbulent times, discovers Liz Hall It’s...

Does rhyme spell reason?

by David Megginson What can we learn from how others see the world? This new column peers through different lenses, exploring how ideas and perspectives might be woven into coaching and mentoring. A poem can invoke strong feelings in its readers – coaching would do...


Welcome to the February issue of the newsletter It seems the tide could be turning towards regulation of coaches in the UK – at least this is the suggestion of some of the voting we’re seeing on our online polls (see Stop Press). It could be a long time before...