Welcome to the February issue of the newsletter

It seems the tide could be turning towards regulation of coaches in the UK – at least this is the suggestion of some of the voting we’re seeing on our online polls (see Stop Press). It could be a long time before the UK government turns the spotlight on coaching, if ever. But we would do well to get our thoughts in order before such a time comes- this message comes through loud and clear from professions which have already been regulated.

We’re looking at coaching/mentoring in the outplacement and workplace counselling arena in the May/June issue- let us know what you’re up to.

In the next issue (March/April), we’re launching a new column, Perspectives, looking at the world through a series of different lens, exploring how different ideas and perspectives might be woven into coaching and mentoring practice. David Megginson is kicking the series off with a wonderful piece on poetry.

Busy time coming up for coaching conferences in the UK over the next few months- some of the events we’ll be at include the Association for Coaching conference; the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s HRD conference; the Association of Business Practitioners’ conference; the European Mentoring & Coaching Council UK conference- see Diary Dates for dates and location of events.

Liz Hall
Coaching at Work

Highlights of the current issue of the magazine


You tell us

The downturn has brought about an increase in outplacement and workplace counselling. What role is coaching/mentoring playing in this arena?

Click here to share your views

Related article: Honour the diversity in coaching approaches globally

Coaching research

Do I have to spell it out?

Sue Blow, research associate in the Coaching and Mentoring Research Unit at Sheffield Business School, looks at the use of metaphors for sharing meaning. Read more…

Related article:  But seriously…


Coaching tips

Love’s labour lost

A survivor of a round of redundancies is now being coached as a potential high-flier. But she reveals that the upheaval has left her ambiguous about the company. How should coaching proceed? Read more…

Related article: Coaching through redundancies


Stop press

Yes to regulation in the UK?

More than three quarters (78%) of respondents to one of our recent polls voted for coaching to be regulated in the UK either by the government or by one or more professional bodies.The poll was posted on Coaching at Work’s Twitter and Linkedin sites. Fifty six per cent said coaching should be regulated by the government, 22% that it should be regulated by professional body/ies, and 22% that it should be self-regulated. Meanwhile, in another one of our polls, 46% of Coaching at Work readers have voted for coaching to be regulated, compared with 36% who believe it should not (www.coachingat-work.com).

In a poll taken at an Association for Coaching debate on 16 November (http://www.coaching-at-work.com/2010/01/14/ac-polls-coaches-on-regulation), 31% said no to external regulation, compared to 12% who said yes.

The debate goes on. What do you think- should coaching be regulated? Cast your vote and tell us your thoughts or go to http://poll.fm/1khus

OCM and Starr Consulting launch manager coach qualification in UK

The OCM and Starr Consulting are launching their jointly-run manager-as-coach qualification, the Starr Certificate in Coaching for Managers, in April. The qualification is accredited by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council at Foundation level.

Childs’ play

Save The Children is working with OrgVitality to offer monthly executive coaching for its country managers and top executives, as part of its new leadership development programme.

News online

Engage managers to boost sustainable performance, urges CIPD

Middle and line managers need to be engaged and empowered to motivate staff and encourage innovation if organisations are to be truly sustainable. Read more…

No more taboo on trust

Coaches and other helping professionals need to do more to foster curiosity and dialogue about trust in organisations. Read more…

Diary Dates


23 February: Warrington
Association for Coaching event on The Reflective Practitioner – using John Heron’s Six Category Intervention; www.associationforcoaching.com


2 March: Leamington Spa
Association for Coaching event on Trade Secrets: discuss and explore techniques, theories and approaches in the business of coaching practice.

3 March: London
Meyler Campbell networking event on Coaching CEOs – is it different? with Richard Hunt and John Stopford www.meylercampbell.com

 3 March: Chepstow
Association for Coaching event on Cognitive Behavioural Coaching, with Gladeana McMahon

4 March: Haywards Heath
Association for Coaching event on NLP Coaching, with Linda Sykes

11-12 March: London
Association for Coaching international Going Global 2010 conference

17 March: London
i-coach academy event on Using Personal Construct Psychology Methods in Your Coaching Practice, with Nick Reed. www.i-coachacademy.com

23 March: London
i-coach academy event on Transactional Analysis in Coaching – What Can It Offer You? with Sandra Wilson


14 April: London
i-coach academy event on Systems Psychodynamic – Exploring the Interdependency Between the Person, the Role and the Organisation, with Halina Brunning

19 April: Chepstow
Association for Coaching event on Who is the Expert? With Nancy Kline

20 April: Nottingham
Nottingham Business School’s Coaching for the 21st Century conference

21-22 April: London
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development annual HRD conference www.cipd.co.uk 


5 May: London
Meyler Campbell Coaching Fishbowl with Carol Kauffman www.meylercampbell.com/programmes

5-7 May: London
European Mentoring & Coaching Council UK annual conference www.emccouncil.org/uk

6-8 May: Wyboston, Milton Keynes
Association of Business Practitioners’ annual conference www.abp.org.uk

21 May: London
i-coach academy event on Gestalt Approaches to Coaching with Alison Whybrow and Julie Allen


17-19 June: Paris
International Coach Federation conference www.eccparis2010.com

Question of the month

What is the worst example of poor coaching practice you’ve come across?

Click here to share your answer