Profile: James Hutton

Good news. News International’s name change was no mere rebranding exercise. It followed a raft of other initiatives, including an internal coaching scheme that’s impacting both the culture and the bottom line. Liz Hall talks to its developer, James Hutton, head of...

Conference roundup

British Psychological Society, Special Group in Coaching Psychology (BPS SGCP) 4th european coaching psychology conference, 12-13 december, edinburgh   Coaching enhances staff wellbeing over time Positive psychology coaching has a marked impact on hope,...


Skills shortages Organisations are struggling to fill a fifth of jobs because of skills shortages, and these vacancies have doubled since 2009, according to a survey by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). Douglas McCormick, a commissioner at UKCES and...

Women given ‘wrong’ support

By Liz Hall Many employers are barking up the wrong tree in their bids to promote women’s career progression, suggests new research. Despite an increase in women on boards, the number being promoted into executive roles to replace them has fallen and businesses are...

Tripping on speed

Lindsay Wittenberg Clients under pressure come to coaching looking for quick results, yet the answers will only appear when they stop rushing The pace of my clients’ lives seems to be getting faster all the time. They’re required to produce better results in shorter...