Crowd pleaser

The story of the Coaches in Government Network is a lesson in what can be done when practitioners get together. Ken Smith, its founder and co-ordinator, shares the tale of its success One afternoon in 2006, after coaching a client who clearly experienced something...

Solaglas is clear ICF winner

ICF Prism Awards 2009 Glass replacement and installation expert Solaglas has won an award for a coaching initiative for frontline managers that reaped a 490 per cent return on investment (ROI). The award-winning initiative also saved the business £797,000 in...

Multi story

Narrative coaching can be a powerful and transformative way for individuals to renew meaning in their lives. Ho Law and Reinhard Stelter take up the tale… A lot of coaching aims to unleash people’s potential to enhance their performance and achieve goals. Narrative...

How do we coach life transitions?

2nd european coaching psychology conference, sponsored by the BPS SGCP, egham, 5-16 december 2009 Is coaching a person on retirement the same in 2010 as it was in 1980 or will be in 2040? What are our cultural assumptions and is it appropriate to hold an explicitly...