Belief in business ethics declines

The number of people who believe businesses behave ethically has declined since last year, according to a survey by the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE).

Some 57% of the 2,000 adults polled believed that businesses behaved ethically, down from 62% in 2018. This is the first time since 2016 that the poll has shown perceptions of business ethics to have got worse.

Corporate tax avoidance emerged as the issue most concerning respondents – 33% cited this as a problem UK businesses needed to address.

The number of people concerned about executive pay and environmental responsibility increased (29% and 28% respectively, and both up from 24% in 2018).

Turner becomes APECS’ chair
Eve Turner, an accredited member of the Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision (APECS) since 2011, has accepted the invitation of the APECS board and current chair Professor David Lane, to become APECS’ next chair.

Turner welcomed the opportunity to continue the work done by the board under Lane’s leadership, strengthening APECS’s connections with other bodies, training providers and the corporate sector.

She’s also committed to enhancing APECS’ role in establishing a gold standard in coaching, supervision and team coaching.