Speech therapy

The Clean Language approach helps clients find ‘new’ answers by thinking differently about the question. The coach plays a vital role here – by keeping out of their way, says Angela Dunbar The late New Zealand psychologist and therapist David Grove...

It takes two

Is it possible to coach two people together to a better working relationship? Discovering there was no precedent for pairs coaching, Dave Thornton and Val Sampson developed their own model based on couple therapy As coaches we all appreciate the importance of the...

Where are you at?

Location is key to success when you buy a property, so why shouldn’t it be when it comes to coaching? After all, clients need to feel they matter, says Elaine Smith Many of us return from holidays in inspiring locations charged with new plans and ideas. Indeed,...

Inside out

More than 30 years after they first launched modern coaching and Inner Game thinking, Tim Gallwey and John Whitmore believe the approach has more to offer now than ever before Tim Gallwey and Sir John Whitmore, along with Laura Whitworth and Thomas Leonard, are often...

Coaching on the rise

Liz Hall Some 82% of organisations use coaching but only a third evaluate it. Coaching take-up is higher than ever and is consistent across sectors, according to the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development´s (CIPD) 2010 Learning & Development (L&D)...