Part two of a four-part column taking a humorous look at the difficult process of creating a coaching culture in the workplace
Michael Carroll

Disc 2: Supporting managers in supporting coaching

Technical support: How can I help?

HR manager: Hello, good to talk to you again. Remember I lost the file, “You are your company’s best asset :honest”? Well, I’ve found it again. It was hidden behind “The depressed employee”. I have relegated that one to the recycling bin. Boy, it worked fast. One click and suddenly “Overworked”, “Stressed-out-of-your-mind” and “Low self-esteem” have gone. I suppose if we really do have our staff at the centre of our organisation, and believe in them, some of these other programs don’t have a chance, like “Vampirising employees” and “Who needs them?” I don’t know how they got on to our hard disc. We never installed them…

TS: They are viruses that appear over time. They find their way in when nothing is done to stop them. You catch them from other organisations. We have a special anti-virus program that goes with “Creating a coaching culture at work”. It’s called “Watchfulness for managers”. It helps managers be alert to anything that has a negative impact on staff development. Be warned. It can only work when “You are your company’s best asset: honest” is centre stage and managers truly believe their staff are their best resource. Anyway, back to the problem. The program will first ask you a few questions. Answering these will ensure that the “Creating a coaching culture at work” program has a chance of working, otherwise you could be wasting time and money. Click on the icon to begin. What does it ask you first?

HR: It has asked if senior managers in the organisation are supportive of and believe in coaching. But they are more interested in targets, numbers, budgets and their own power and jobs. Should I stop now?

TS: No, don’t give up. Remember, these managers joined because they, too, were enthusiastic, committed and open to development. With all the stress and anxieties of their jobs they have forgotten this. Can you go to Tools and bring up the menu? Is “Soul” there? Great. Click on that. What you have done is to bring back heart and soul into the work of your managers. Now, where it says “Apply”, click and go to “Management”. Be patient. It won’t happen overnight. Most importantly, you have now combined “Employees are your best assets: honest” with “Heart and soul for managers”. See the difference? Now, what’s the next question?

HR: That’s enough for now. I want to wait and see if the attitudes of our managers change. I’ll get back to you…

The other discs are Disc 1: Installing coaching on the organisation’s hard drive; Disc 3: Using your brain in coaching; and Disc 4: Supervision for coaches. Next issue: installing Disc 3.

Volume 3, Issue 2