Festive cheer

Carol Wilson ran communication workshops with ‘guests’ at homeless charity Crisis last Christmas. The responses would not have been out of place in an executive boardroom “When a street stabbing happens it doesn’t start with knives; there are words that lead up to the...

Megginson’s reflections

Danes and deep theory, videos and Foucault, and other things: reflections from the EMCC conference What is the optimum size of a coaching cultured company? This was one of the questions that emerged for David Megginson, European Mentoring & Coaching Council...

Our annual survey

Our annual survey reveals your predictions for 2013 Coaching income will stay the same this coming year, predict respondents to Coaching at Work’s annual survey. Some 61.5 per cent of respondents believe coaching income will remain the same for 2013, while 23 per cent...