Title: Creating the Reflective Habit
Author: Michelle Lucas
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 978 1032 31761 2
We all know that reflection is a good idea, however many of us find it difficult to do consistently or meaningfully. That’s why I’ve been a regular attendee at the monthly online reflective practice spaces the author of this book runs. I’ve found the sessions incredibly inspiring so when she voiced the idea of compiling some of the practices into a book, I was thrilled.
This is an eclectic collection of 60 practical prompts which encourage play and experimentation to enliven and deepen reflective practice. The offerings come from practising coaches and coach supervisors and are tried and tested.
Lucas initially outlines the theory behind reflective practice, then offers suggestions for how to use the book before sharing myriad ways to reflect. There are exercises to suit all processing styles (cognitive, visual, auditory and kinaesthetic) and tips to help reflection become more habitual. Practically, each exercise offers a timeframe guide and examples of topics to address.The poetic prompts are my favourite, opening up a new way of gaining insight.
This book provides an invaluable resource for coaches, supervisors, mentors, leaders and anyone who knows the value of taking a moment to pause.
Liz Ford is an accredited master executive coach and coach supervisor who uses creative methods, the outdoors and other inspiring spaces in her client work. www.ford-consulting.co.uk