Coaching and Supervising Through Bereavement: A Practical Guide to Working with Grief and Loss
ByJulia Menaul and Maggie João
ISBN 978 0367 54071 5

This book makes the case for bereavement, grief and loss to be addressed in the coaching room and “be a heart with ears”. As well as being the first in this field, it is well-researched, elegantly crafted for the reader and provides a vital addition to the profession.

The book explores loss in its widest sense from the death of a loved one, historical loss, job loss, divorce & relationship loss, loss of health, empty nest syndrome, the big transitions of menopause, retirement, and ageing.

The authors make a helpful distinction between “normal functional suffering” and “dysfunctional suffering”, exploring with clients what support they might need. There’s a chapter on tools as well as useful models throughout. I found the “Growth through Grief” model so helpful. The book also looks at loss through the lenses of coaching supervision, the bereaved coach, self-care for coaches and the organisational response.

I encourage all coaches, supervisors and line managers to read it. It gives you and them strategies “that create hope and resources for a brighter future”

  • Jill Savage is an executive coach, coach supervisor and mindfulness teacher

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 Beyond Ego: The Inner Compass of Leadership
Thor Olafsson with Sasha Allenby
New Leadership Press Publishing
ISBN 978 1739 78620 5

In this book, the founder of coaching and leadership firm, Strategic Leadership, calls for a more purposeful, compassionate and humane leadership approach. He shares an accessible framework and plenty of examples and practical tips to help coaches and leaders bring this into being.

Olafsson sets out four segments in his ‘inner compass’. They are ‘setting a course for your life’, ‘meeting your ego’ which explores how hidden unhelpful patterns can derail purpose-driven intention, ‘letting go’ of who you used to be and who you’re telling yourself you are, and ‘embracing your inner self’ which is about taking a conscious leap into being more informed as leaders by qualities such as gratitude and compassion.

The starting point for the inner compass is truth, says Olafsson. For conscious leadership to fly, we need organisations to be more truthful and leaders to be more truthful with themselves.

Olafsson acknowledges this isn’t easy. He explores obstacles potentially in the way of leaders being the best versions of themselves. He does this with compassion and non-judgement, which invites the reader to engage more fully in the journey.

This book gives me hope. Hope that a new type of leadership truly is emerging across the globe. Heaven knows we need it.

  • Liz Hall is the editor of Coaching at Work and the author of books including Mindful Coaching