Leadership development is the top priority for Learning & Development (L&D) teams over the next 12 months and mobile learning is predicted to rise, according to a survey from Video Arts.

Sixty one per cent of L&D professionals identified leadership development as their priority for organisational learning in the next 12 months. The other priorities were coaching, teamwork, people management, customer service, time management and change management.

Although only 11% of the 417 professionals use “m-learning” as part of their L&D strategy to support other learning, this is the fastest growing medium, said Martin Addison, CEO of Video Arts. “This reflects the interest in learning on-the-move, using hand-held devices such as smartphones and tablets.”

Some 38% of L&D practitioners say they are open to introducing m-learning in the near future. Seventy one per cent claim they could reach more people if they used m-learning. However, 48% believe that there are technological barriers which make m-learning difficult to implement.

L&D teams use video as part of classroom-based training courses (79%); to provide short pieces of bite-sized learning (50%); for informal learning (32%); for standalone online learning (31%); to support one-to-one coaching (24%); in self-authored e-learning courses (23%) and for mobile learning (10%).