Trust the boss, honest

More than half (55%) of employees believe their line managers are open and honest, suggests the latest Employee Outlook survey from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Employees feel their managers are always/usually committed to their organisation (70%) and treat them fairly (69%). However, only 26 per cent say their manager always/usually coaches them on the job, discusses their training and development needs (38%) or gives them feedback on how they are performing (43%).

Old school ties

There’s nothing new under the sun when it comes to resilience and the psychological techniques people use to cope with adversity, disease, death, loss and suffering, argued Tim Anstiss at the Association for Coaching’s conference on resilience on 14 July. There is lots of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in Ancient Greek Stoicism, he argued, while Buddhism has lots of positive psychology, CBT and compassion.

Doing it for the kids

The Association for Coaching (AC) and UK International Coach Federation (UK ICF) have joined forces to coach young people and members of KidsCo, a charity supporting vulnerable inner-city children. The AC and ICF aim “to make a profound, lasting and positive impact for members of society that would not normally gain access to coaching support”.

In May, 11 young people from KidsCo took part in coaching at Embercombe (, to be followed by six months’ pro-bono support.

Coaching at Work, Volume 6, Issue 5