Welcome to the October issue of the newsletter

Thank heavens the sun is shining as I write this: UK Chancellor George Osborne has just announced around £83 billion in public spending cuts in the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR)- the largest cutbacks in Government expenditure since the emergency budgets of the post World War II era. We’ve asked lots of our readers what the issues, opportunities and challenges are in the wake of far-reaching cuts (News online, Public spending cuts have far-reaching impact on coaching). Concern over the future of the world- including the economy and the environment- were among the top issues, along with elusive work/life (isn’t work something lots of us do as part of life rather than something separate, I always wonder?) balance (News online, What I really, really want…!)

Selection of coaches continues to be a tricky business. In this issue of the newsletter, we feature articles on two reports on this (News online What’s the story in coach selection?)

We’ve now reached almost 1,800 members from all over the world in our Coaching at Work Linkedin group. Current popular discussions include ones on powerful coaching questions, whether coaches give advice, and whether, how much and how to write notes in coaching. The 10% off discount on subscriptions for Linkedin members is still in place, as well as other discounts for members of professional bodies and some training providers. To find out more about these discounts or the Coaching at Work Global Coach Listing, please contact admin @ coaching-at-work.com.

Join Coaching at Work for a glass of wine at the cheese-and-wine event we’re sponsoring on 14 December at City University London, at the first of a series of events as part of the First International Congress of Coaching Psychology (see Coaching psychology goes global, Stop Press). Coaching at Work will also be at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s annual conference on 9-10 November and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council’s annual conference in Dublin. We’re sponsoring the Euro Coach List international conference on 30-31 October in Bristol (see Debate on coaching in the downturn, Stop Press)

Liz Hall,
Editor, Coaching at Work, Winner of the Association for Coaching Award for Impacting (Leadership/External Focus) Service to the Wider Community for 2010–11

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Coach list

Have you joined our coach list yet? or if you’re a buyer, have you used the list to help you find the coach/coaches you need? you can now upload a coaching at work coach listing member logo onto your website, emails and so on to show you’ve been approved. Go to:

Highlights of the September/October issue of the magazine


cfclogoThe Centre for Coaching  
The Centre for Coaching runs a range of Middlesex University Accredited and Association for Coaching recognised modular coaching courses.

If you want to advertise your organisation here, please contact Kate Thomas — kate@coaching-at-work.com — for more details.


Viewpoint: My humble opinion
Come the next financial crisis coaches must help leaders- as well as themselves- redefine the scope of their influence, argues Tim Casserley Read more

Related article: We’re not here to save the banks


Letter from India
India is waking up to the possibilities of coaching- now the profession needs to convince business of its benefits, argues M Rajsekhar Reddy Read more


Perspectives column: Dying to know the truth
The great thinkers of ancient Greece and Rome have valuable lessons for 21st century thinking, say David Megginson, Bob Garvey and Paul Stokes
Read more

Related article: History in the making


Stop Press

Accreditation review

The Coaching Roundtable, formed of professional coaching bodies in the UK, has completed its review of accreditation across the bodies. It now plans to send its conclusions to prominent coaching academics and will be publishing an open letter to academics to encourage as many as possible to take a detailed look.

Coaching psychology goes global

The First International Congress in Coaching Psychology kicks off with the first of a series of global events, on 14-15 December at City University London. Join Coaching at Work for cheese and wine on the first evening. The international congress has developed as a consequence of collaborations between the global coaching psychology bodies in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland. Next stop after the UK: Johannesburg, South Africa, 26-27 May 2011. For details on the congress events: www.coachingpsychologycongress.org

Debate on coaching in the downturn

Coaches from all over Europe will gather at the Euro Coach List international conference on 30 – 31 October in Bristol to debate issues such as whether the downturn means less coaching work. Coaches will hear how John Laing Integrated Services’s solutions-focused coaching programme is helping it cope with the credit crunch while Leanne Anne Longhurst will show how coaches can open up “aha” moments for their clients, sharing findings from her six-year study into this area. The debate on coaching in the downturn will feature Janine Waldman, Steve Marriott and Justine Swainson on the panel. For more information, visit www.ecl10.com and www.eurocoachlist.com or contact Amechi Udo

Bark up the right tree

Careers coach John Lees has joined forces with online noticeboard and jobs site Gumtree.com to launch jobs advice guides and an online career finder tool, developed to broaden the number of roles jobseekers can apply for by helping them to identify their core skill sets and pair them with various industries (www.gumtree.com/jobs).  Some 85 per cent of employers will consider an applicant with a different career background to the advertised role if they have the right skill set, despite 63 per cent of jobseekers seeing lack of experience as the major barrier to applying for a job, according to research for Gumtree.com. The tool helps jobseekers identify core competencies by asking them to choose a score from 1 – 5 to reflect how they rank themselves against each skill.  The tool then analyses the scores and uncovers what job sectors suit people best based on the skills they’ve highlighted.

Keeping council

North East Lincolnshire council has just had approval to fund a further cohort of accredited manager-coaches. In addition, this month it launches the first of seven two day courses first courses up until the end of March 2011 to equip managers to adopt a coaching style. It is hoping more than 80 managers and supervisors will take up the training. The council believes the coaching and mentoring strategy it launched three years ago will help it support managers and engage employees through these tough times. Read about how it has evaluated its coaching programme in Coaching at Work’s November/December issue.


News Online

What’s the story in coach selection?

We’re seeing smarter practices but also commoditisation and excessive process, according to a survey on executive coach selection conducted in spring 2010 among 40 major UK organisations and nearly 300 experienced executive coaches by Carol Braddick. Read “Coach selection: but at what cost?” in the November/December issue. To download the full report, More Process, less insight, go to http://www.coaching-at-work.com/reports/

Senior talent professionals find identifying external executive coaches with the right mix of skills and experience a frustrating experience, finds a separate study by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) UK and the Institute of Business Consulting (IBC), External executive coaching: a joint study of sponsors’ experiences and perspectives, by Paula Roberts. Read more

Public spending cuts have far-reaching impact on coaching

The drastic cuts in UK public spending announced on 20 October in the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) will impact coaching in myriad ways.

In the wake of the CSR, coaches and coaching buyers interviewed by Coaching at Work predict growing numbers of clients presenting with stress, anxiety or depression. This will make greater demands on coaches who will need to ensure they have adequate training and supervision to cope and be of service to the client. However, they also predict greater opportunities for those coaching around redundancy, careers, transition and change, resilience and setting up new businesses, for example. Read more

What I really, really want…!

Women want help with achieving work/life balance and they’re concerned about the long term future, finds a survey of more than 400 women by Next Generation. Read more

Charity coaching in motion

Two coaches have joined forces to set up a not-for-profit venture to bring high quality and affordable coaching to charities. Anne-Kathrin Alaoui and Richard Griffiths who are currently studying the first year of a Masters in Professional Coaching with i-coach academy, are on a mission to change what they say is a common attitude in charities, that coaching is a luxury which is justifiable only for senior executives. Read more


Diary dates

November 2010

4–5 November: London

Centre for Coaching Problem focused coaching & counselling www.centreforcoaching.com

9-11 November: Manchester

CIPD annual conference and exhibition www.cipd.co.uk

18-19 November: London

Centre for Coaching Performance coaching www.centreforcoaching.com

18–20 November: London

European Mentoring and Coaching Council annual conference

23 November: London

UKICF event on conflict in the workplace. www.coachfederation.org

December 2010

14-15 December: London

First International Congress of Coaching Psychology


Coaching Beyond “Survival-of-the-Fittest”
– actually, Darwin also spotted “Survival-via-Relationship”
Natural History Museum – 22 November 2010
How to surface hidden communication with relational psychology and physical perception
Simon Cavicchia (Metanoia/Ashridge) & Sue Glasser (UKAHPP/Choreographer)