Welcome to the September issue of the newsletter

Welcome to the September issue of the e-newsletter.

We are planning a report on professional bodies and would love to hear your thoughts on what they all have to offer (You tell us).

Our new Linkedin Coaching at Work group is proving a hit. Please do join and invite your colleagues! www.linkedin.com

Liz Hall
Coaching at Work

Highlights of the current issue of the magazine

• The mother lode
• Vision on
• No more heros
• Seeing things

Coaching at Work Limited

Dear Readers,
We would like to inform you about a few changes in the URLs for the CaW online resource. The new website will be live around November this year. The existing URLs will continue to apply until then.

New URLs are:

Website: http://www.coaching-at-work.com

Subscriptions: http://www.coaching-at-work.info

Contact details: http://www.coachingatwork.tel

Stop press

NHS develops coach supervisors
The Bath Consultancy Group is working with the NHS Institute to develop internal coach supervisors.

Norwegian study highlights mentoring’s benefits for women
Mentoring helps increase job satisfaction, career planning and perceived leader behaviours such as decision-making, according to a study by the University of Agder (“Benefits of formal mentoring for female leaders”, the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring ,Vol. 7, No. 2, August 2009)

Coaching helps teens perform
Coaching can boost students’ performance in exams, suggests research from the University of East London’s Jonathan Passmore and Andy Brown. The three-year study involved 1,987 students, 18 schools and 47 coaches who worked with students weekly on study skills, work topics, problems and personal goals (Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice. 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1)

West Midlands Coaching Pool conference
Graham Alexander, David Clutterbuck and Jonathan Passmore will be among the speakers at the West Midlands Coaching Pool’s second conference (see Diary Dates)

Diary dates


30 September: London
Meyler Campbell applied research forum, Balancing business empathy with psychology in coaching, with John Stopford, Dominic Houlder and Henry Marsden.


15 October: Coventry
West Midlands Coaching Pool Conference “Moving Forward with Coaching”

15 October: London
Meyler Campbell Coaching Fishbowl with Jon Stokes, a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, and director of leadership coaching and management development firm Stokes & Jolly.

16 October: Henley
Meredith Belbin is the guest speaker at the Coaching Leaders conference for executive coaches, leaders and coaching supervisors at Henley Business School. The conference is a joint venture between Patti Stevens, founder of The Coaching Supervision Consultancy and Simon Walker, MD of Human Ecology and founder of The Leadership Community.

26 October: London
Association for Coaching event, Who is the Expert? with Nancy Kline of Time to ThinkIPD Annual Coaching at Work conference.