Letters – Vol 3, Issue 5

Letters commenting on issues raised in the previous issue of Coaching at Work on the subjects of neuroscience and coaching and career coaching The brain drain When I taught neuroanatomy to medical students, the limbus was my favourite part of the dissected brain. It’s...

Go on, do your worst…

How many times have you been faced with a client and felt crippled by your own ineptitude? In this series, Sam Humphrey looks at stereotypical clients and identifies the CPDs you can undertake to support your coaching mastery. This issue: C’mon and Coach Me Sam...

Show your sensitive side

The ‘highly sensitive person’ is a distinct personality type that requires an understanding approach, says Vivien Whitaker of Sheffield Hallam University’s Coaching and Mentoring Research Unit Vivien Whitaker A fter numerous in-depth interviews, as well as surveys of...

Nice little earner

Meyler Campbell’s first annual survey asked business coaches a range of probing questions – from fees and motivation to age and status. Henry Marsden reveals the results Henry Marsden Coaches earning £200k a year, working three days a week, living in the country,...

Install complete

The final part of a humourous look at the difficult process of creating coaching cultures in the workplace. Michael Carroll Disc 4: Supervision for coaches HR manager: Good morning, I’m back and you’ll be pleased to know we have our coaching program up and running....