How to Get On with Anyone by Catherine Stothart Publisher: Pearson Business ISBN: 978 1292 20786 5 5 out of 5 stars How to Get On with Anyone is a highly practical and engaging book. I think most of us can do with honing our influencing and communication skills. As...


101 Coaching Supervision Techniques, Approaches, Enquiries and Experiments by Michelle Lucas Routledge  ISBN: 978 0367 48115 5 5 out of 5 This book brings together not only techniques, but, as it ‘says on the tin’, approaches, enquiries and experiments. The practical...


Peer Supervision in Coaching and Mentoring: A Versatile Guide for Reflective Practice Tammy Turner, Michelle Lucas and Carol Whitaker Routledge 978 11380 6130 9 5 out of 5 I read a lot of books on coaching and many are soon forgotten. But this has become a reference...