Melitta Campbell shares some lesser known and surprising ways to secure sustainable growth in your coaching business. This issue: trust your instinct

Over the years, many of us have learned to favour logic over intuition. However, scientific studies show how our instincts can understand the truth of a situation many times faster than our logical mind. Making it a powerful ally.

And successful businesswomen agree.

On my podcast, the Driven Female Entrepreneur, I’ve interviewed more than 100 women about the secrets behind their success. Most of them have highlighted the importance of believing in their own vision, staying true to their values, and trusting their intuition.


What is intuition?

Intuition is the way your subconscious mind communicates with your conscious mind. It contains knowledge that you’ve accumulated over a lifetime as well as knowledge passed down through your DNA. Making it a rich and powerful source of information.

That said, its language is subtle, making it easy to overlook. So here are two ways you and your clients can start to tune into your intuition and trust your instincts.


  1. Listen to your body

Our body holds a lot of information about our environment, our wellbeing and our emotions.

Have you ever had a ‘gut feeling’ something was off? That was your body communicating with you – instead of using words and logic, it uses feelings and emotions. When you learn to tune into the subtlety of these messages, their insights can help you make more of the right choices for your business.

To attune yourself to these messages, take a few minutes each day to sit quietly and drop your focus from your mind to your body. Breathing deeply as you do. Start noticing any feelings, pains, warmth etc, in your body. When you do, don’t judge or analyse it, just observe. Does the feeling change or move as you do so?

Once relaxed, ask your body what needs to be known, then listen quietly and feel the wisdom. The more you do this practice, the more you’ll start to re-learn the language of your body and what it’s telling you.


  1. Increase self-awareness

When you become more self-aware, you gain a better understanding of your own feelings, thoughts and behaviours and how they impact you and the people around you. You’ll become more aware of your intuition.

One simple way to become more self-aware is to journal. This is the practice of free writing to give your inner thoughts and feelings space to express themselves.

To get started, set a timer for 5-10 minutes and then write. You may find it helpful to begin with a simple prompt, such as: Today, I’m most excited about the possibility of… In this moment I’m aware that… Right now, I’m noticing…

Write freely and without judgement. Don’t stop to think about what you are writing, just allow the ideas to flow. As you get used to the practice, feel free to write for longer.



While it’s important to listen to your intuition, don’t do so blindly. Common sense and a clear strategy must still play an important role in your business.

However, when you combine your instincts with rational thinking, you’ll be in a strong position to reach the best decisions and bring your whole self into the realisation of your goals. When you do, you can’t help but make a powerful difference through your work.

  • Next issue: Does your business need a more regular MOT?


  • Melitta Campbell is an award-winning business coach who is passionate about helping coaches to master their marketing so they can have a bigger impact on the world. Melitta is also the best-selling author of A Shy Girl’s Guide to Networking, Your Book Your Way, 2021), and hosts the Driven Female Entrepreneur podcast: