Parental care

Family-friendly working experts My Family Care has launched an online platform to help HR teams and line managers better support new and expectant parents. The Parental Leave Toolkit builds each user a tailored plan enabling and encouraging individuals going on leave and their managers and colleagues to have more informed and effective conversations about their work/life balance, career progression, working arrangements and well-being. It enables companies to provide parental leave coaching support to a much wider proportion of their workforce.


EMCC award winners

The winners of the EMCC’s 2016 International Awards, announced in March, are: Coaching – University of Dundee/Copenhagen: Smile Healthy to Your Diabetes; Mentoring – EGESYS R&D and Innovation Support Center, and Solidarity Coaching – Guilaine Roullier Arduin.

NED for Talking Talent

Gary Browning has joined coaching consultancy Talking Talent as its first non-executive director. An experienced CEO, he will work with the board of executives to help shape strategic direction. Browning “is widely recognised and admired for quadrupling the size of Penna during his tenure”. After joining Penna in 2002 he was appointed as CEO in 2005. Throughout 2009-2015 he initiated and led a series of acquisitions increasing the value four-fold to £80m and in 2016 sold the group to Adecco for £105m.