The International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) has launched an international research centre.

The ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research is also launching virtual ISCP research hubs in different countries. They will use Skype to interview/talk to researchers about their research or recent articles.

University departments/centres/units and relevant professional bodies are being invited to nominate a representative to the international advisory board.

Professor Stephen Palmer, who originally had the idea for the centre, is the co-ordinating director, overseeing the development of the website and resources. The initiative will mean that instead of those who supervise MSc and doctorate students having to spend time going through the basics with students, students and others will have access to a centre that provides all the information about research methodology, research protocols, videos on how to undertake research, examples of research and so on.

Prof Palmer, honorary president of the ISCP said: “As an international professional body, our objectives include supporting our members and the coaching psychology community. This includes the dissemination of research through publications, meetings, conferences and symposia. The new international research centre initiative will go a step further by bringing together resources in one virtual space.”