Welcome to the July 2013 issue of the newsletter

Exciting news on the accreditation front: the professional coaching bodies have produced a document outlining their requirements in areas they have in common such as CPD, and have compiled documents showing some of their differences (See Stop press). And the EMCC is now offering a shortcut to individual accreditation for members who’ve already been assessed on certain criteria by the ICF.Who are goals for? Does contracting make us smaller? To what extent are goals a straitjacket? These were some of the questions posed by David Megginson in his challenging and thought-provoking keynote address at the annual Coaching at Work conference on 2 July. In the July/August issue of the digital/printed magazine, we include an article featuring further thoughts on goals from Megginson, David Clutterbuck and others, see here. At the conference, we launched the first three in our new series of Coaching at Work Master classes: Aboodi Shabi (20 September); Eunice Aquilina (23 October) and Liz Hall (16 December) (See Stop press). As with all our events, subscribers will be entitled to discounts.

Left to right: Neil Scotton, Liz Hall and Alister Scott, photo by Stephen Palmer. Also at the conference, we announced the winners of this year’s Coaching at Work Awards: Neil Scotton, Alister Scott and Katherine Long

We broke with tradition, choosing this time instead of honouring Coaching and Mentoring People of the Year, to acknowledge the best articles. Neil and Alister won an award in the Best Thought Leadership Article/s category while Katherine picked up the Best Practical Article award.

Left to right: Katherine Long and Liz Hall, photo by Stephen Palmer.

The runners-up were Tatiana Bachkirova (Thought Leadership) and Graham Lee (Practical). The following contributors were commended for their articles: Bob Garvey, Abood Shabi, Barbara Moyes, Janet Evans, Eunice Aquilina and Hetty Einzig, see Press release.

Left to right; Eunice Aquilina and Liz Hall, photo by Stephen Palmer

We are uploading conference material to the website, including podcasts, and will send out a separate email about this soon. We will include a full conference report in the September issue.

    Coaching at Work has now launched online and website advertising. Please contact Kate Thomas to hear about our new advertising options, including advertising in the online magazine only, or specific advert types on our popular website – kate@coaching-at-work.com

In addition to discounts on events, subscribers receive either the digital magazine, or the printed and the digital version of the magazine. We publish six magazine issues a year; up to 16 newsletters (including mentoring digests) and subscription also includes registration on our global Coach List; additional online content; access to every issue since 2005, and a global LinkedIn group (at last count we had more than 18,000 members). See a sample issue here

Editor, Coaching at Work, Winner of the Association for Coaching Award for Impacting (Leadership/External Focus) Service to the Wider Community for 2010–11


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Coach list

Have you joined our coach list yet? or if you’re a buyer, have you used the list to help you find the coach/coaches you need? you can now upload a coaching at work coach listing member logo onto your website, emails and so on to show you’ve been approved. Go to:


Sample our content

You have to be a subscriber to access most of the articles on Coaching at Work website. However, you can now view a whole issue here:


New online format

Subscribers to the magazine can now read it, and earlier content in a Calameo format, allowing you to “flick through” the magazine online. Do be patient when you’re downloading the magazine- it can take up to 20 seconds or so.

See back issues in this new format: http://www.coaching-at-work.com/2012/01/20/back-issues-2/

There is also some freely available content on the website, including the following:

  • Be well and prosper
  • The measure of you The number of organisations using coaching is steadily rising, yet its true value is still not being assessed. The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development’s John McGurk shares his practitioner guide to real-world coaching evaluation. Read more
  • Poor Practice 2010 part 1
  • Poor Practice 2010 part 2
  • Coaching buyers want ´chemistry´ Interim results from the Ridler report 2011 Read more
  • The jewel in the crown – in-store coaching delivers ROI Read more
  • I wish I’d… Nottingham Business School’s Elaine Robinson and her supervisor Erik de Haan share insights from one of their supervision sessions. Read more
  • Train to Gain Coaching at Work examines the overall trends in coach education and development. What’s on offer and where can you go to get it in a growing but often confusing market? This report includes a table of what some of the main providers offer. Read more
  • More Process, Less Insight? We’re seeing smarter practices in executive coach selection, but also evidence of commoditisation and excessive process, according to a report by Carol Braddick. Read more

Highlights of the July/August magazine

Profile: Peter Burditt

Peter Burditt, founder of Strategic Development Consultants, is proof that there are still big bucks in coaching. Even in the current climate, he is highly sought-after. Read full article here.

The New Normal

Neela Bettridge’s and Philip Whiteley’s new book argues that the principles of coaching are incompatible with the conventional business model. Read ful article here.

Three Minutes to Midnight: How would you like to be remembered?

In Neil Scotton’s and Alister Scott’s last column they reported how all the major coaching bodies now have statements like: “In service of humanity flourishing…”, “make a sustainable difference to individuals, organisations and, in turn, society” and “for the benefit of society” in their core strategies.
A question that quickly comes up when we discuss this with coaches is: “Is it legitimate to
raise these big picture issues?” Read full article here.

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Lion’s share

Team coaching is on the rise as organisations start to see the benefits of improved group performance and emotional intelligence. Yet demand for training is still coming from the coaches themselves, says Julie Griffiths in our special report. Read full article here.


Body and soul

Ethical beauty products retailer The Body Shop has launched a mentoring programme that is proving as radical and innovative as the retailer’s founder, Dame Anita Roddick, both for mentors and the mentees. Read full article here.


Ready, set, goal

In this two-part report, we take a look at research on coaches working with assigned goals, and hear from thought leaders David Clutterbuck and David Megginson on goal setting. Read full article here.

Stop Press

Accreditation Forum breakthrough

The Coaching at Work-led Accreditation Forum, which has been meeting regularly for about 18 months, made a huge leap forward on 4 July in its bid to help coaching sponsors/buyers be clearer about what the different bodies offer and look for when accrediting coaches. After a number of discussions between themselves and with coaching sponsors within the Forum, four of the bodies (AC, APECS, EMCC and ICF) have jointly produced a document outlining some of the key areas of commonality such as CPD requirements for different accreditation levels. The bodies have also supplied documents outlining some of the differences, which Coaching at Work is compiling into an article. Both will be shared through Coaching at Work’s magazine and website (within the Accreditation Hub). The Forum’s members include KPMG, GlaxoSmithkline, John Lewis and Asda. Other items on the agenda include team coaching.

Coaching at Work launches series of Masterclasses

Coaching at Work has announced a series of Masterclasses to be held at the British Psychological Society London Offices. The first three are:

Aboodi Shabi on The Art of Masterful Coaching – coaching beyond techniques on 20 September. Read more and book here.

Dr Eunice Aquilina on Increasing your coaching effectiveness through the power of your presence on 23 October. Read more and book here.

Liz Hall on Mindfulness & Coaching on 16 December. Read more and book here.

You can also book by contacting Margaret Bradley by email (admin@coaching-at-work.com)
 or calling on 0845 6808185. See also www.coaching-at-work.com/masterclasses.

Invitation to take part in Inspiring Leadership research

Leader clients and businesses have been invited to complete for free the Inspiring Leadership Inventory (IL-i), a model developed by Lee Travers, Clareo Potential and Professor Jonathan Perks MBE in consultation with Dr Reuven Bar-On (Bar-On EQ-i) to help leaders tackle the challenges of global leadership in a complex, changing environment. After completing a brief survey to support the beta-testing of a diagnostic tool to help measure the model, participants will receive their own summary report https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/IL-i For more information, contact lee@clareopotential.com

Opportunity for coaching practice with MBA students

Dr Daniel Doherty, programme leader of the MBA at MIddlesex University Business School in London, is inviting coaches interested in building coaching hours or practicing business coaching to get in touch. Within the MBA, an international programme that attracts business talent from all corners of the globe, executives learn about coaching in addition to having some opportunity for practice. Although the Business School can’t resource coaching internally, its students wish to experience being coached by an external coach, both for its own sake but also to learn though being client-side. Those interested are invited to register their interest with Dr Doherty and explore what might work. If appropriate, they would then contract with Dr Doherty and the student for at least four sessions over six months period, extendable should both parties wish to do so. “At this stage the student might wish to self-finance. There is no doubt that many of them have the means and part of the attraction of the work would be that most are in deep personal transition of the best sort, choosing wise options for next steps in shaping the rest of their lives,” said Dr Doherty, who is a fully qualified coach at Master level with a great deal of experience and as such may be able to offer some informal supervision. D.Doherty@Mdx.ac.uk

News Online

Coaching at Work Best Articles of the Year Awards

See press release here.

EMCC offers shortcut to members with ICF credentials

The European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) is now offering a shortcut to its individual accreditation award for EMCC members who have already been assessed by the International Coach Federation (ICF) on certain criteria. See here for more details.

Diary dates


10 September: London

Association for Coaching UK annual conference: resilience. www.associationforcoaching.com

20 September: London

Coaching at Work Masterclass with Aboodi Shabi. Book here.

23-27 September: London

5-day Certificate in Coaching (Middlesex University Accredited, Level 5, 15 Credits). Course Recognised by the Association for Coaching, Centre for Coaching, International Academy for Professional Development.

23 October: London

Coaching at Work Masterclass with Eunice Aquilina. Book here.

16-17 November: Gloucestershire

EuroCoach ECL13 conference. http://www.eclconference.com 

21-23 November: Athens

EMCC 20th Annual Mentoring and Coaching Conference

16 December: London

Coaching at Work masterclass, Mindfulness & Coaching, with Liz Hall. Book here.


 Sign up to the Kogan Page Coaching Bulletin for free book excerpts, author interviews and more direct to your inbox each month. Click here to see the previous edition.
  We are offering Coaching at Work subscribers the chance to win a bundle of six of our latest coaching titles. Including: Mindful Coaching, Coaching for Resilience and Diversity in Coaching. To enter sign up for the Kogan Page Coaching Bulletin and enter the promo code CAWCOMP2 before 31/08/2013. Good luck!

There’s still time to sign up for the MSc in Coaching & Behavioural Change starting September. Find out more at www.henley.com/coachatwork or contact Anne Tabbner on 01491 418767 or exec@henley.com.You can browse our new coaching brochure with our full range of programmes and activities at www.henley.com/coachatwork


The Centre for Coaching, London, UK

The Centre for Coaching, International Academy for Professional Development Ltd runs a range of Middlesex University Accredited and Association for Coaching recognised modular coaching courses at Levels 5, 6 & 7. The 5-day Certificate in Coaching (Level 5, 15 Credits) is an introductory Cognitive Behavioural coaching programme. Other courses include the 5-day Certificate in Psychological Coaching (Level 6, 15 Credits), the modular 6-day Certificate in Stress Management and Performance Coaching (Level 5, 30 Credits) and the Certificate in Coaching Psychology (Level 7, 20 Credits). The accredited Diploma courses are at graduate and postgraduate levels.

Special 10% discount offer extended to Coaching at Work magazine subscribers who enrol for our courses during June and July, 2013. Promotion Code: CAW July 2013.

Call Dawn Cope for further details: Tel: 0845 680 20 75 or International: +44 (0) 208 318 4448 or Peter Ruddell: 0845 680 20 65
Click here for: Course dates; Email: Dawn Cope 
Courses can also be run in-house for organisations. Tel: +44 (0) 208 318 4448 or 0845 680 20 65

If you want to advertise your organisation here, please contact Kate Thomas for more details.Subscription enquiries to:Telephone: 0844 322 1274(UK)+44 (0)1795 592 852 (overseas),or subscribe online hereEmail: admin@coaching-at-work.com