Coaching at Work road-tests Energetic NLP
1 The tool
What is it?
Energetic NLP is NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) combined with healing and intuition work. It’s a system of processes that seeks to bring a spiritual dimension to professional and personal growth.
Creator Art Giser recognised that NLP on its own had its limitations, as change is not just about choice and decision, if at a deep level something in us does not want it.
ENLP not only takes into account the client’s internal experience and representation of reality, but also that all energies are connected and that feelings may not even be our own.
How does it work?
ENLP works with basic physics, which tells us that everything is fundamentally energy. If we alter an underlying energetic structure, it changes. So, enabling our clients to create and dissolve structures that create blocks, will effect change too.
Scientific research into quantum mechanics by Einstein and others builds on its core concept, which suggests that:
all objects are non-local (they exist in many places at once)
energy follows thought
people can affect others and machines by thinking about them
a fundamental field of energy connects everything in the universe.
Using the tool
You do not need to be an NLP practitioner to practise ENLP.
ENLP works on the principle that symbol and reality are one, so metaphors or symbols can be introduced by the coach, usually through guided visualisation or meditation. For example, magnets are used regularly in ENLP because of their power to overcome gravity. A client who has a limiting belief, or feels stuck can be asked to imagine industrial-sized magnets drawing out the blocks, old emotions, programming or others’ energy. ENLP can be used around team communications, increasing energy, solving problems, making decisions, creating the environment for collaborative meetings or simply knowing or letting go.
Clients can also be asked to ‘put up’ symbols in their mind to represent goals or issues, without knowing or stating what they are. They are then asked to observe, experience or pretend to know the energies in their symbols.
The processes encourage a space of no effort, curiosity and playfulness. The client has the space to set the future answer, or experience, in motion.
2 The administrator
The experience
I find it invaluable to use processes with myself first. I use symbols and imagery to ‘set up’ the room before the client arrives, in order to create an environment of exploration, learning, non-effort and profound listening. I set myself up with intentions, and can meet the client energetically. I then re-set my energy between clients to prevent ‘leakage’ from one session to another. In addition, I have more energy at the end of the day.
As with regular NLP, the coach can work with someone without knowing the content of the issue. The ENLP symbols provide a non-threatening way to explore possibilities that bypass language and conscious processing, giving the client the opportunity to shift energetically as well as cognitively.
Most successful business people make intuitive decisions and the coach can offer clients processes to open up their intuition, help meetings go well, reduce performance anxiety and improve their decision-making. As the processes are simple and sometimes only take a few minutes, the client can use these tools daily, often to compound effect.
When a client’s conversation becomes circular and unfocused, they are quickly able to focus using an ENLP process. Simple symbols – chosen by the client or offered by the coach – can create stillness and a knowing that they might not always find so readily with deep listening or a powerful question.
Ros Soulsby is director of Soulsby, a learning and development consultancy
3 The clients
The experience
I was in a business situation where I needed to gain some focus and clarity. I had lots of ideas, as well as projects
on the go, and was getting confused about where to start.
I was in a classic head versus heart situation, and I was blocked. I needed to use a different approach to unblock myself and get moving again. Lack of focus meant lack of progress. I seemed unable to think clearly about anything.
I was happy to keep an open mind and see where the ENLP ideas took me. We used some interesting exercises, which allowed my mind to ‘see’ and ‘feel’ a clearer path ahead. I was amazed that I was able to see things that I had not noticed before. Using magnets for clearing made things very real and solid.
I was able make good, sound decisions, where before I had been going round in circles.
Using symbols for my goals had a profound impact on me, and I went into my business meeting clear about what I wanted. I felt that the processes had helped give me permission about what to start, stop and continue.
I think the sessions have been unique, and great for getting stuck in deep to think about things I have not thought about before.
Debbie Roberts is an independent home and property development specialist
I set up my own business with a colleague 12 months ago and we had been really successful. However, the next year was going to be where the real hard work would start and I wanted to assess where we were, how we had achieved what we had so far, and focus on what we needed to do in the future. I also needed to find a more equal balance between my business and my family.
I was surprised by how accurately Ros understood how I ‘tick’, and by how she structured the sessions in a way that made me feel very receptive to her. So when she suggested we use the techniques to bring balance and energy into my body I was happy to try out her ideas, even though I was pretty sceptical at first – and felt a bit silly practising the techniques. However, I was really surprised that I did seem to have more energy and focus, and embraced the processes when I could see the positive effect they were having on my life.
Taking a few minutes a day to recharge my energy, or set my intentions, has enabled me to focus on one thing at a time. I have achieved the goals I wanted for the coaching sessions in only three weeks, and I feel calmer and less like I am running from one thing to another.
The energetic work has had a profound effect on how I interact with my family. My children get 100 per cent of my energy when I’m with them, and weekends are planned, happy and relaxed.
Sarah Lawler is director of LawlerDavis Independent Financial Planners
The next ENLP Level 1 course with Art Giser is on 25-28 May 2013, in London. To book, contact Solar Events on 0208 123 9736
Energetic NLP: pros and cons
Methodology is firmly linked to scientific theory and research
Processes can effect quick and/or profound shifts
A wealth of simple tools
Ongoing community of practice, tele-seminars and downloads
Practitioner-led until the client can embed the practice
Some clients could be closed to the ideas if introduced too quickly
coaching at work, volume 8, issue 3