Welcome to the August 2012 issue of the newsletter

Mental toughness is a significant factor in performance and wellbeing. Apparently most of us have it, but we don’t know how to use it, say Peter Clough and Doug Strycharczyk, who have written a book on this theme. In this issue of the newsletter, we feature the first of a two-part series on how to coach for mental toughness- see Highlights. The second part, in the September issue, will focus on attentional control.
We’ve set a date for our next coaching conference: 2 July, in London. Our last two conferences sold out so do book in time- we will let you know details as soon as we can.
Our special 15% discount offer on digital subscriptions is currently still available for LinkedIn members. Here’s the code: CADSUM2012. Subscribers can choose to either subscribe to the digital magazine, or printed magazine (which includes access to the digital magazine). Subscription includes six issues a year; 16 newsletters (including four mentoring digests); inclusion in our global Coach List; additional online content; access to every issue since 2005, a global LinkedIn group (at last count we had more than 10,500 members) and discounts on our events.See a sample issue here.

Liz Hall,

Editor, Coaching at Work, Winner of the Association for Coaching Award for Impacting (Leadership/External Focus) Service to the Wider Community for 2010–11

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Coach list

Have you joined our coach list yet? or if you’re a buyer, have you used the list to help you find the coach/coaches you need? you can now upload a coaching at work coach listing member logo onto your website, emails and so on to show you’ve been approved. Go to:

Sample our content

You have to be a subscriber to access most of the articles on Coaching at Work website. However, you can now view a whole issue here:

New online format

Subscribers to the magazine can now read it, and earlier content in a Calameo format, allowing you to “flick through” the magazine online. Do be patient when you’re downloading the magazine- it can take up to 20 seconds or so.

See back issues in this new format: http://www.coaching-at-work.com/2012/01/20/back-issues-2/

There is also some freely available content on the website, including the following:

  • Be well and prosper
  • The measure of you The number of organisations using coaching is steadily rising, yet its true value is still not being assessed. The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development’s John McGurk shares his practitioner guide to real-world coaching evaluation. Read more
  • Poor Practice 2010 part 1
  • Poor Practice 2010 part 2
  • Coaching buyers want ´chemistry´ Interim results from the Ridler report 2011 Read more
  • The jewel in the crown – in-store coaching delivers ROI Read more
  • I wish I’d… Nottingham Business School’s Elaine Robinson and her supervisor Erik de Haan share insights from one of their supervision sessions. Read more
  • Train to Gain Coaching at Work examines the overall trends in coach education and development. What’s on offer and where can you go to get it in a growing but often confusing market? This report includes a table of what some of the main providers offer. Read more
  • More Process, Less Insight? We’re seeing smarter practices in executive coach selection, but also evidence of commoditisation and excessive process, according to a report by Carol Braddick. Read more

More Highlights of the May issue of the magazine

How to… coach for mental toughness
In part one of our two-part series, Peter Clough and Doug Strycharczyk explain their MTQ48 measure, which helps clients identify and develop toughness. Read more

Intensive care
To mark Carers Week in the United Kingdom in June, former carer Catherine Macadam looks at how the coaching profession can offer its support. Read more

The Coaching Chronicles: The Tudors
Roach the coach guides us through the Tudor period. Read more

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Troubleshooter: Pulling power

The new regional leader of a global business is faced with a team that delivers to target, but refuses to work collectively, and does not see the need for development. How can he build strategic focus in them? Read more

Lead behaviour

Jennifer Bryan’s ABChange model doesn’t tell leaders how to lead in change – it shows them how to lead their change effectively. Read more

Toolbox: when feelings kick in

Road-testing the framework and tools of the Team Emotional Intelligence survey. Read more

Stop Press

Women on top best for performance

Firms with women on their boards have consistently outperformed those led by only male directors, “proving the business case” for greater numbers of female directors, according to research by the Credit Suisse Research Institute.

Employers seek help busting stress

Work-related stress is the most common reason employers seek occupational health advice, according to statistics compiled by the UK’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).


Award-winning executive coaching and mentoring organisations the RBP Group and Harty Roberts have merged, creating Accelerating Experience, an organisation offering mentoring, coaching and business advice.

Round-up from the European Mentoring & Coaching Council’s Research conference (3-4 July, Sheffield Hallam University)

ICF research:

Global coaching revenue is $1979 million; the average annual revenue generated by coaching globally is US$47,900 and the reported average global fee is $229 per coaching hour, according to research by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Entrepreneurial e-mentoring:

Irja Leppisaari from Finland and Kari Korpelainen from Estonia co-presented on how e-mentoring models can be used in entrepreneurship education, linking business experts and higher education students and teachers.

Accept who you are:

Acceptance Commitment Therapy/Training, a variation on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, is increasingly being used in coaching, particularly in Australia and New Zealand, said ACT practitioner and psychologist John Groom. He said, “In ACT, you don’t deny it, you don’t use CBT to fight it. ACT is about learning the nature of the mind.”

Making every conversation count:

Support staff in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) benefit enormously from informal coaching and mentoring, according to research by former NHS employee Rachel Hawley.


News Online

Wake-up call for ‘Neets’

Intensive and personalised mentoring will be among the radical Youth Contract plans announced by the UK’s Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg. Read more

Diary dates


20-24 August: London

5-day Certificate in Coaching (University Accredited, Level 5, 15 Credits). Centre for Coaching www.iafpd.com/centreforcoaching.htm


28-28 September: Boston (US)

Coaching in leadership and healthcare conference. Boston Renaissance Waterfront Hotel www.instituteofcoaching.org


3-6 October: London

International Coach Federation global conference www.coachfederation.org

23-24 October: London

2-day Primary Certificate in Health Coaching, Counselling and Training. Centre for Coaching www.iafpd.com/centreforcoaching.htm


9 November: London

Academy of Executive Coaching conference (and Burditt Lectures) www.aoec.com

15-17 November: Spain

European Mentoring & Coaching Council 19th annual conference. www.emccouncil.org


2 July: London

Coaching at Work’s annual conference

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The Centre for Coaching, London UK

The Centre for Coaching, International Academy for Professional Development Ltd runs a range of Middlesex University Accredited and Association for Coaching recognised modular coaching courses at Levels 5, 6 & 7. The 5-day Certificate in Coaching (Level 5, 15 Credits) is an introductory Cognitive Behavioural coaching programme. Other courses include the 5-day Certificate in Psychological Coaching (Level 6, 15 Credits), the modular 6-day Certificate in Stress Management and Performance Coaching (Level 5, 30 Credits) and the Certificate in Coaching Psychology (Level 7, 20 Credits). The Diploma courses are at graduate and postgraduate levels.

Special 15% discount offer extended to Coaching at Work magazine subscribers who enrol for our courses during August 2012. Call Dawn Cope for further details: Tel: +44 (0) 208 318 4448 or Peter Ruddell: 0845 680 20 65

Click here for: Course datesCourse Brochure. Email: Dawn Cope

Courses can also be run in-house for organisations. Tel: +44 (0) 208 318 4448 or 0845 680 20 65

If you want to advertise your organisation here, please contact Kate Thomas for more details.