Welcome to the September 2011 issue of the newsletter

Coaching is increasingly a core part of managers’ jobs and line managers are doing the lion share of coaching, according to a report out this month from the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) (see Stop Press). But it’s important that this isn’t seen as cheap coaching, as we stress in the September/October issue (See Show of Support, Highlights). Managers who coach and internal coaches need to be given lots of training and support while coaching needs to be aligned with business priorities. Leeds Metropolitan University and NHS Leeds are among those organisations which really get this (News Online).

The need to step up the focus in coaching on business issues was a firm message from the CIPD’s report, as well the need for more evaluation. Around three-quarters of organisations have coaching and mentoring in place and the majority are spending the same or more on coaching, says the report launched at the CIPD’s Coaching conference on 20 September (Stop press, full report in the November issue).

The weeks are ticking by to our Coaching and Mentoring at Work conference on 23 November. We have had lots of interest. If you haven’t already booked, please do register your interest at admin@coaching-at-work.com. If we reach full capacity, we will keep you on a list and will inform you if we free up more space and also about future events. Hope to see you there! We will publish a conference report in the January issue.

Liz Hall,
Editor, Coaching at Work, Winner of the Association for Coaching Award for Impacting (Leadership/External Focus) Service to the Wider Community for 2010–11


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Coach list

Have you joined our coach list yet? or if you’re a buyer, have you used the list to help you find the coach/coaches you need? you can now upload a coaching at work coach listing member logo onto your website, emails and so on to show you’ve been approved. Go to:

Sample our content

You have to be a subscriber to access most of the articles on Coaching at Work website. However, you can now view a whole issue here:

There is also some freely available content on the website, including the following:

  • Be well and prosper
  • The measure of you The number of organisations using coaching is steadily rising, yet its true value is still not being assessed. The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development’s John McGurk shares his practitioner guide to real-world coaching evaluation. Read more
  • Poor Practice 2010 part 1
  • Poor Practice 2010 part 2
  • Coaching buyers want ´chemistry´ Interim results from the Ridler report 2011 Read more
  • The jewel in the crown – in-store coaching delivers ROI Read more
  • I wish I’d… Nottingham Business School’s Elaine Robinson and her supervisor Erik de Haan share insights from one of their supervision sessions. Read more
  • Train to Gain Coaching at Work examines the overall trends in coach education and development. What’s on offer and where can you go to get it in a growing but often confusing market? This report includes a table of what some of the main providers offer. Read more 
  • More Process, Less Insight? We’re seeing smarter practices in executive coach selection, but also evidence of commoditisation and excessive process, according to a report by Carol Braddick. Read more

Highlights of the September issue of the magazine

Viewpoint: social butterflies

HR must underline its importance now or risk being sidelined. And coaching skills will play a vtial role, argues John Blakey READ MORE

Road test: Conflict resolution

Lynne Spencer road-tests the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument with her GP client. READ MORE

Related article:
How to…be a coach and a mediator


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Virgin territory

Coaching really did begin at home for Carol Wilson. Self-directed learning led her to run Richard Branson’s newly-formed Virgin records, and help her spread the word about coaching READ MORE


How to retain talent through maternity leave

Organisations are providing targeted coaching through the transition to motherhood. It will help retain talent and support engagement and performance on their return. This family-friendly culture is one of the building blocks of female leadership development. READ MORE

Related articles
Ernst & Young launches maternity coaching programme
Mums love Asda


Show of support

More and more organisations are training managers and leaders in coaching skills. But manager-coaching isn’t simply cheap coaching, there must be alignment with the business plus training and support. READ MORE

Related article
Managers can’t coach! – jamming session


Stop Press

Coaching landscape far from bleak, says CIPD

The majority of organisations (84%) using coaching and mentoring have stepped up their use since 2009 – mostly to improve performance, according to the UK’s Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Coaching Climate report launched at the CIPD’s annual coaching conference in London on 20 September. The percentage of organisations reporting coaching activity has dropped from 90% in 2009 to 77% this year but “the coaching landscape is far from bleak,” says the CIPD. More than four-fifths of those using coaching report that they’re doing more of it than two years ago. Nearly three-quarters of organisations have some sort of mentoring scheme in place (74%). Seven in 10 report either increasing or stable expenditure on coaching, while under a quarter reported decreased expenditure. The bulk of coaching, as previous CIPD studies have shown, is still delivered by line managers or internal coaches although this has slipped from 37% in 2009 to 32% in 2011 while  the proportion delivered by external coaches has nearly doubled (up from 14% to 20%), says the report, Coaching Climate.
See full report in the November issue


A quarter of UK-based home workers stay in their pyjamas all day but sartorial laxity aside, home workers set themselves high standards.

Some 85% believe working from home is far more productive than working in an office and home workers often work late into the night and on weekends. Some 81% said that having their working environment at home means they automatically put in extra time out of traditional office hours. Some 56% of home workers claim they find it difficult to separate their home lives from their working lives. Andries Smit, founder of B2B group buying service SMEDiscounts.com, which carried out the survey said: “It’s quite entertaining to think that some of the UK’s foremost entrepreneurs are making major deals while sitting at home in their PJs and dressing gowns. Some business secrets are best kept behind closed doors.”

How to win friends and influence people in the first 100 days

First100 has some tips coaches working with clients in a new role might wish to pass on. The leadership performance acceleration specialist has compiled “seven deadly business sins” for those starting out in a new role:

  1. Don’t sleep with a colleague (unless you are married or in a relationship with them!)
  2. Don’t keep referring to “how we did things in my old company”
  3. Avoid too many introductory meetings which you can’t follow up
  4. Don’t make decisions just for the sake of being decisive
  5. Don’t avoid sacking someone in the hope they’ll work out – they rarely do
  6. Don’t avoid playing the political game – everyone else is at it
  7. Avoid telling staff you’re going to spend your first three months asking questions.

News Online

Swedish congress decides coaching psychologist need to be more entrepreneurial

Coaching psychologists need to collaborate more, put themselves forward more and become more entrepreneurial- these were among the key messages from a conference held in Stockholm this month. The conference was the latest in a series held all over the world as part of the 1st international Congress of Coaching Psychology, reports Liv Hök in Sweden. READ MORE

UK university develops “super coaches”

Becoming more mindful at work was the theme of an inaugural master class for coaches qualified through an Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) accredited in-house programme offered at Leeds Metropolitan University or NHS Leeds. The event on 15 September was organised by Leeds Metropolitan University as part of its initiative to develop a band of what it calls “super coaches”, who as well as being trained to coach on the in-house programme, are offered ongoing CPD and supervision. READ MORE

Coaches could usurp HR, says professor

The coaching profession is well-equipped to take over from human resources as well as to inherit the field of neuroscience , psychologist Paul Brown told Coaching at Work.“With the body of knowledge that neuroscience provides, coaching is the natural inheritor of neuroscience, and with it comes huge potential for supplanting HR in organizations,” said Professor Brown, visiting professor organizational neuroscience at London South Bank University UK. READ MORE

Diary dates


11-12 October: Barcelona

1st International Congress of Coaching Psychology (Spain)

21-22 October: Boston

Leadership and Healthcare Coaching Conference from  Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education and McLean Hospital


16 November: London

International Coach Federation UK neuroscience conference

17-19 November: Paris

EMCC annual conference

23 November: London

Coaching at Work magazine – Coaching and Mentoring at Work Conference: Beyond frontiers. Email Margaret Bradley at admin@coaching-at-work.com for details.

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The Centre for Coaching, London UK

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The 5-day Certificate in Coaching (Level 5, 15 Credits) is an introductory Cognitive Behavioural coaching programme. Other courses include the 5-day Certificate in Psychological Coaching (Level 6, 15 Credits) and the Certificate in Coaching Psychology (Level 7, 20 Credits). The Diploma courses are at graduate and postgraduate levels. Click here for: Course dates; Course Brochure.

If you want to advertise your organisation here, please contact Kate Thomas for more details.