Professor Alex Linley plunged into Britain’s coldest lake to raise money for the hospital that saved his daughter’s life.

On 29 January, the founder of the Centre of Applied Positive Psychology plunged into Llyn Llydaw, more than 3,500ft up Mount Snowdon, to raise money for The Children’s Heart Appeal at Birmingham Children’s Hospital (BCH). On the day, which marked the seventh anniversary of his daughter Sophie undergoing emergency heart surgery, the temperature was -3C and the lake was 90 per cent frozen.

Linley used goal-setting, goal attainment, visualisation and preparation techniques, and drew on his strengths of Adventure and Legacy: “Legacy provided the meaning for what I was doing. Doing something to help BCH and help save the lives of poorly children was profoundly meaningful and motivating.”

So far, more than £13,000 has been raised towards the £20,000 target.

To donate go to:

Coaching at Work, Volume 6, Issue 2