“Do coaches give advice?” This thread on Coaching at Work’s LinkedIn group is causing quite a stir. As we went to press, there were 86 comments, with a fascinating range of responses
What else have you been talklng about on LinkedIn?
Other topics include:
Another one about powerful questions:
What has been your most powerful question that you have asked?
(Posted by Dan Weigold, 59 comments) - What would you suggest, if asked, to help someone select a coach from a choice of five equally experienced and qualified coaches?
(Posted by Jacquie Brazier, 30 comments) - Do you write things down when coaching? How does this work for you and is there a particular system you use for note taking?
(Posted by Philip Jones, 16 comments)
In answer to the above, some of you report that as you’ve developed as a coach, you’ve stopped writing as much. Some of you use a mind-mapping style approach.
Coaching at Work’s LinkedIn group is truly global, with almost 1,800 members from all over the world – and the number continues to rise.
Join the debates on: www.linkedin.com/groups?mostPopular=&gid=2274910
Coaching at Work, Volume 5, Issue 6