High-performing artists and high-impact leaders have much in common, according to Yamaha piano artist, leadership consultant and coach Kevin Asbjörnson.

Both face similar challenges and expectations, have the ability to create, inspire and sustain followership and seek to make meaningful connections, he believes.

This week (1-3 September), he will lead an interactive, performing arts-based learning experience at the Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches (APAC)’s first Asia Pacific coaching conference (APCC2010) in Singapore, organised with the International Coach Federation’s Singapore chapter.

Using a Yamaha grand piano, Asbjörnson will engage delegates in dialogue, contemplation and reflection. The aim is for delegates to “explore, discover and practise the creative and artistic competencies associated with inspirational leadership and transformational coaching and experience music as an instructional medium of emotion”.

The theme of APCC2010 is Coaching for Sustainable, Multicultural Communities.

Keynote speakers include Omar Khan, senior partner, Sensei International, who will talk about ‘coaching to make a difference’, and Marcia Reynolds, who will talk about ‘unravelling the mysteries of interconnection: how coaching increases social capital’.

Frank Bresser will give a pre-workshop on ‘coaching in Asia and worldwide’, on 1 September.

Coaching at Work, Volume 5, Issue 5