What is the reality of coaching in the UK in 2010? All will soon be revealed following a national census of coaching practice currently underway.

The census is being run by coaching psychologists Jonathan Passmore of the University of East London, Stephen Palmer of

City University London and Emma Short of Bedfordshire University. Interim results will be released at the 1st International Congress of Coaching Psychology 2010–11 at City University London on 14-15 December, at keynote addresses by Dr Passmore and Professor Palmer.

The two-day congress is the first in a series of events as part of an international congress and will be hosted by the British Psychological Society’s Special Group in Coaching Psychology and other national bodies.

The survey aims to find out how the profession is developing and how practices vary between those with different training and backgrounds.

Dr Passmore said: “This survey is an important project to find out the state of coaching in the UK. We hope we will get large numbers of coaches taking time out in their day to go online and complete the questionnaire.”

Take the survey at: www.surveygizmo.com/s3/333125/Coaching-Survey-2010-11
For more about the conference go to: www.sgcp.org.uk/sgcp/events/coming-events/

Coaching at Work, Volume 5, Issue 5