Welcome to the March issue of the newsletter

We’re feeling proud as punch, having just picked up an award from the Association for Coaching (AC) for impacting the coaching profession (see News online).

Whilst the award has my name on it – my eight year old son is most impressed and even my teenage daughters think it is “quite cool”- this award is about a whole bunch of us. The Coaching at Work team, past and present, and all of you who’ve been so inspiring, supportive, and generous of your time and ideas. Coaching at Work would be nothing without you!

It’s been an exciting five years seeing both the magazine and profession go from strength to strength. Coaching and mentoring are reaching out into more and more parts of the world and of the community. This is no passing fad. As one of my heroes, Julio Olalla, said at the AC conference earlier this month, society does not invent new professions out of boredom but to address concerns not addressed by existing practices. Coaching helps us find new answers, new ways of relating to one another and a new world view- many of the old questions and answers just haven’t been cutting it.

Liz Hall
Coaching at Work

Highlights of the current issue of the magazine

• Crowd pleaser
• Seoul man
• Multi story
• Don’t be too sure

You tell us

Does location make a difference in coaching?

Click here to share your views

Related article: The theory of flight

Coaching and gender

Do we connect?

Sue Blow, research associate in the Coaching and Mentoring Research Unit at Sheffield Business School, looks at the use of metaphors for sharing meaning. Read more

Related article:
Step this way

Coaching success

How to… coach your inner ‘imposter’

Have you ever had the feeling that you didn’t deserve a promotion at work? Such chronic self-doubt is rarely voiced, yet it affects most of us and is almost always unfounded. Could coaching help us ‘own’ our success? Read more

Related article: Upwardly mobile

Stop press

British government plans to roll out “life coaching” to teenage mums, says report

Pregnant women and girls under the age of 21 will receive several years of one-on-one ‘life coaching’ from dedicated nurses, according to a report in the UK’s Daily Telegraph on 16 March. A series of 60 pilot schemes across the country found that young women who received intensive advice were far less likely to smoke, have a second child and split up with the father of their baby. The scheme will be funded through reforms to the health visitor network, and efficiencies in other parts of the NHS, and would be introduced in full within five years of Labour being re-elected.

BACP launches coaching division

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy is launching a Coaching division, which will be chaired by Linda Aspey.

Listen well and don’t name drop

Listening well, showing interest in the client’s organisation and story, and avoiding name-dropping and over-selling- these are among the ingredients for success in selection as a board level coach, suggested a former buyer of board level coaching at the Ridler & Co seminar on 9 March in London. David Findley, associate director of Ridler & Co and formerly global HR director for Lend Lease and director for executive and organisation development for Glaxo Wellcome, also suggested board level coaches show they have the emotional robustness to be challenging when required.

Coaching psychology in New Zealand forges ahead

Continuing to build international links and hosting a Coaching Psychology Forum at the New Zealand Psychological Society’s (NZPS) annual conference in Rotorua on 17-20 July are among this year’s priorities for the Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group (CPSIG) NZ, which launched formally last November. Other priorities agreed last month (February include setting up a series of focus groups, the first of which will explore what the CPSIG’s membership wants. 

News online

Coaching at Work’s Liz Hall receives accolade from coaching community

Coaching at Work’s editor Liz Hall has received an honorary award from the Association for Coaching (AC) for her work in impacting the coaching profession.  Read more

The three foci of developmental coaching

Tatiana Bachkirova presents on developmental coaching at the British Psychological Society’s Second European Coaching Psychology Conference. Read more

Diary Dates

April 2010
14 April: London

i-coach academy event on Systems Psychodynamic – Exploring the Interdependency Between the Person, the Role and the Organisation, with Halina Brunning

19 April: Chepstow

Association for Coaching event on Who is the Expert? With Nancy Kline

19-23 April: London

Centre for Coaching Certificate in Coaching www.centreforcoaching.com

20 April: Nottingham

Nottingham Business School’s Coaching for the 21st Century conference. Liz Hall will give an address, View from the Media.

21-22 April: London

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development annual HRD conference www.cipd.co.uk

27 April: Dunton Bassett, Leicestershire

Association for Coaching event on Individual Competence- the New Coaching Boundary with John Price

29 April: London

Association for Coaching event on Coaching the Unconscious mind with Tiffany Kay and Kate Trafford

May 2010

4 May: Henley

Annual Henley APECS conference www.apecs.org

5 May: London

Meyler Campbell Coaching Fishbowl with Carol Kauffman www.meylercampbell.com/programmes

5-7 May: London

European Mentoring & Coaching Council UK annual conference www.emccouncil.org/uk

6-8 May: Wyboston, Milton Keynes

Association of Business Psychologists annual conference www.theabp.org.uk

12-13 May: London

Centre for Coaching’s Primary Certificate in Health Coaching www.centreforcoaching.com

20-21 May: London

Centre for Coaching’s Primary Certificate in Performance Coaching www.centreforcoaching.com 

21 May: London

i-coach academy event on Gestalt Approaches to Coaching with Alison Whybrow and Julie Allen

June 2010

9 June: Bristol

Coaching in Partnerships Hot Coaching Topics 2010 event.

Email: halina@coachingforstars.com

17-19 June: Paris

International Coach Federation conference www.eccparis2010.com

Question of the month

Have you ever coached a pair of clients together?

Click here to share your answer