Annual International ICF conference, Orlando, Florida, 3-5December 2009
More than 1,200 coaches from around the globe gathered at the ICF’s international conference. The theme was creating communities. “The conference created opportunities for global conversations about the sustainability and future impact of the worldwide coaching community,” said ICF president Giovanna D’Alessio.
The three keynote speakers provided different entry points to the theme. Peter Block said the leader’s role is that of creating community in the world and that small groups are able to bring about transformation when invited to join conversations through “personal, ambiguous and anxiety-provoking” questions that invite reflections on personal experiences.
Tal Ben-Shahar talked about Positive Psychology. D’Alessio said: “He demonstrated how our questions direct ours and other people’s attention to just a small portion of reality, making us blind to what else is there.”
Getrude Matshe shared her story of growing up in Zimbabwe, moving to a different country alone with her children and becoming a successful entrepreneur. “She entertained and moved participants, and made us reflect on the power of developing a purpose, living in possibility and succeeding,” said D’Alessio.
In her session on the evidence for coaching, Margaret Moore said that executive coaching is an effective mode of facilitating change; it increases goal attainment; and it improves the capacity to change by increasing positivity, resilience and self-efficacy.
Meanwhile, Doug Silsbee emphasised the role of “presence” in helping leaders. “The experience of presence is antidotal to the grinding effects of stress, unpredictability and overwhelm that tire even our best leaders over time.”
Conference recordings are available at
Volume 5, Issue 2