employee-well-being-support Title Employee Well-being Support: A Workplace Resource
Author Andrew Kinder, Rick Hughes and Cary Cooper
Publisher Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN 978 0 470 724286
Usefulness 4/5
The overarching theme of this book is that people belong at the heart of organisations, so their well-being should be both supported and enhanced. Each chapter provides a combination of practical and theoretical input from practitioners, academics and business leaders and incorporates checklists and case studies.

The focus is on the psychological well-being (PWB) of employees and how this can be enhanced by the employer. It also points to increasing evidence that leaders’ behaviours affect employees’ well-being: “People don’t leave organisations, they leave their bosses.” A
key message is that effective leadership needs to be as focused on the PWB of staff as it is on key aspects of management.

Coaching, counselling and mentoring are all explored, with practical examples of different strategies – this is both refreshing and useful.

From a coach’s perspective the book provides evidence that an employee needs a sense of purpose and a process of setting and achieving
goals to develop their PWB – a good case for developing the coaching skills of managers.

To summarise, despite being difficult to read in parts, I found the book both interesting and practical – a must for anyone responsible for the development and well-being of others.