How to Coach Executives



Jenny Hill




When you coach others follow this checklist that describes how

executive coaches employ seven essential skills. Recent research

shows how they develop a rapport with the other person, ask

creative, open questions, give honest feedback, use their intuition

with confidence, build and sustain trust with their client, listen

actively and watch, listen and respond selectively.


Assess the current situation


Actively seek to build rapport and ask open questions.


Help the client to be aware of their situation and to recognise the

patterns in their behaviour that prevent them from achieving their



Encourage the client to consider alternative solutions


Ask unexpected questions such as ‘If you were 30 not 50 what

alternative solution might you consider and why?’


Help the client to see the issue in a wider context and ‘unstick’ their



Spend time helping the client develop their goals


Ask probing questions such as ‘why is this important to you?’ and

then ask why of the answer.


Help the client to consider not just what they could aim for but why

they want or need to. If people do not own their goals they can’t

achieve them. As a coach help to refine their chosen goal, make it a

STAR goal, specific, timed achievable and real to them.


Initiate the client’s thinking; get them considering



Never give solutions, only ask questions. Ask open questions and let

the client generate their ideas on the action they will take.


Help the client to consider and plan. Let the client think aloud.


Work with the client; get them using criteria to

evaluate options


Suggest criteria that are helpful in evaluating options. For example,

how much time will this take, what will it cost, what are the risks?


Suggest different methods, pros and cons, force field analysis, mind

maps, etc6.


Work with the client; get them developing a detailed

action plan


Work hard to help your client focus on the detail of their action plan.

Thinking through the steps required to implement a goal requires


This helps the client to understand when they have arrived and how

to invest their time in achieving their goal.


Support the client to stay on track


Be a nag, support their efforts with e-mails and reminders, stay in

touch and help them to sustain a momentum.

This helps the client to sustain a trusting, independent relationship

with you.