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Eunice Aquilina
Eunice Aquilina is a somatic coach, OD consultant, facilitator and coach supervisor who supports her clients to develop a strong authentic leadership presence, build skilful ways to cultivate trust, embody greater ease and connection and better manage their commitments and results. She draws on her 25 years’ experience to design and facilitate experiential learning solutions using large group methodology, action learning and coaching, often in combination. Working in partnership with her clients, she co-creates learning processes focused on learning from real issues in real time, practicing new skills and behaviors for sustainable outcomes. Core to her work is her belief that organisations are organic living systems and their conversations shape and determine the culture, which in turn informs the results which can be achieved. Eunice certified as a somatic coach with Strozzi Institute and has completed their three year teacher training programme. She has a Doctorate in coaching and OD, is accredited with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council at Master Practitioner level and is an accredited coach supervisor with APECs. A faculty member with i-coach academy, Eunice teaches and supervises students who are working towards a professional qualification in coaching
Sally Bonneywell
Sally is VP of Coaching at GlaxoSmithKline and is based at the Headquarters in Brentford, London. The remit of her role is to head up coaching across GSK – setting the strategy for coaching globally as well as coaching individual executives herself. As such she is responsible for building internal coaching capability, developing the coaching skills of leaders and managing the quality and use of external executive coaches. She was responsible for setting up the Coaching function in 2010, and prior to that was VP Leadership and Organisation Development in the Global Manufacturing and Supply Division. Prior to that she held positions responsible for Executive Development, and Organisation Development in Pharma Europe – making a total of 17 years at GSK. Her prior background was in Management Consulting having spent three years in the US working with Gallup on identifying talent and what makes talented people different. She commenced her career participating in the Marks and Spencer Graduate Management Programme in the UK.
She holds a degree in Psychology and Anthropology, an MBA, she is accredited with the ICF to PCC level. She also holds Certificates and Diplomas in Executive Coaching and Coaching Constellations, a Certificate in Organisation Development from NTL as well as various Leadership and Organisation Development qualifications. She was a contributor to the End Maleria book published in 2012. She lives in Hampshire with her son and enjoys skiing with him on snow and plastic.
Louise Buckle
Louise Buckle is a Lead Coach in KPMG UK where she coaches senior leaders and their teams as well as providing expert guidance on the coaching components of advisory consulting offers. She has led the introduction of team coaching within the firm in a number of guises, as part of a formal coaching offering, as support to engagement leaders through a range of mechanisms and more recently as a component of consultants work with senior teams. She also maintains a very small independent executive coaching and OD practice across public and private sectors. With over 11 years executive and team coaching experience; 3 as in house coach, leader and sponsor in KPMG she has a wealth of experience to draw upon. She is keen to see professional standards and practice in team coaching at the same time as widening our collective view of how coaching can be deployed to achieve organisational as well as individual benefit. As a coach herself Louise has always enjoyed working in, across and between complex systems such as in healthcare, education and professional services firms. She sees team coaching and systemic work as key in her journey to integrate her coaching and OD sensibilities and practice.
Louise has previous roles as a lecturer, trainer and facilitator. She has spoken at a range of coaching conferences and events on topics as varied as ‘Uncertainty’, ‘Coaching in KPMG’, ‘Sponsor perspectives’, ‘Team Coaching’ and has written for Coaching at Work on the internal coaching role and on research into coaching. She is a Member of EMCC Journal editorial board. Louise is also delighted to be involved in the Open Book scheme which brings coaching support to people from non-traditional backgrounds finding their way in life and in higher education.
Louise is a proud step mum to three girls, member by marriage of an amazing extended family, and, very importantly, chief cuddle giver to the adorable Gracie, the rescue dog who shares the home she has created with her fellow coach and husband, Peter.
Professor Paul Brown
Dr Paul Brown has qualified as a clinical and organisational psychologist and executive coach, with an international practice that has taken him into Europe, the USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos and China. He has recently been Visiting Professor in Organisational Neuroscience at London South Bank University and in Individual and Organisational Psychology at the Nottingham Law School; an Associate of the National School of Government; and for seventeen years has taught annually at the Royal College of Defence Studies on the neuropsychology of leadership. He has recently been invited to support the National Science Council of the Prime Minister’s Office in Laos for the development of applied neuroscience throughout that country. He teaches regularly on EDP a Said Business School University of Oxford.
Within organisations, Paul Brown has a long-standing interest in the development of individuals within corporate systems; organisational structures; careers; and the family management of landed estates. Clinically, he has maintained a practice specialising in the resolution of complex relationship problems. His focus is upon the way energy gets blocked and can be made to flow again based upon the development of intelligent emotions.
After postgraduate training at the Maudsley Hospital, Institute of Psychiatry, London in 1961-2 he left the National Health Service in 1974 during which time he was Hon Sec of the Clinical Division of the British Psychological Society and a Fellow and elected member of its Council. He completed a PhD in 1979 under a government research grant and in co-operation with (the then) National Marriage Guidance Council on the treatment of sexual difficulties. He has subsequently been managing director of a career counselling company in London, Paris and Geneva; has sat on the private banking board of a merchant bank; on the management boards of two great houses; and spent two years as Director of Adaptive Research for Penna Consulting plc. His main professional fascinations are with establishing fear-free organisations; the nature of the Self; the effective organisational use of the endless supply of productive energy that human beings can create under the right conditions; and the neuropsychology of leadership. He is also part of a small research and applications team that has developed an almost real-time web-enabled methodology for organisations to map complex adaptive systems within whole-systems thinking, based upon how people perceive what is happening. It shows how energy flows in organisations and where it is blocked.
Dr Paul Brown has co-authored four books, including Managing Meeting,; and, for The Open University / McGraw-Hill (Sept 2012) Neuropsychology for Coaches: understanding the basics. With Dr Tara Swart he is now preparing The Neurobiology of Management and Leadership which, in a shortened form, will appear as a twelve-part series in IEDP’s Developing Leaders throughout 2013. He has contributed a regular monthly column called Brain Gain to that same publication: twelve chapters in edited books; some twenty scientific papers in academic texts and journals; and is also a contributor to The Oxford Companion to the Mind. He has variously been invited to make psychological contributions to the meetings at Wilton Park (Foreign and Commonwealth Office), was a founder member and has been Chairman of the Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision (APECS); and with colleagues has established the UK Branch of the NeuroLeadership Institute. He was invited to become an Honorary Member of the Association for Coaching after a keynote address to the 2012 Edinburgh Annual Conference. Among a variety of pro bono involvements he sat as a magistrate for ten years in Marylebone and is a Senior Advisor to the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation.
Paul is now based in Laos: works mainly in Beijing; and is in the UK frequently.
Caroline Curtis
Caroline is a Chartered Psychologist who has forged a career in the field of talent and leadership management with organisations such as CIPD and more recently with Santander – the global Financial Services group – where she is Head of Executive Talent, Succession and Development. Caroline’s passion is for actively driving and enabling “people and performance” transformation by creating and sustaining cultures of high performance. (Under Caroline’s leadership Santander has seen a number of external recognitions including the inaugural Talent Achievement Award for Europe from the HR Leadership Alliance.)
Janette Gale
Janette Gale is a Health Psychologist and founder and CEO of Health Change Associates (HCA). She is a leading authority on applied health behaviour change in Australia and Canada and has authored two text books on this subject. Janette works with a wide variety of corporate and public health organisations to develop health coaching programs and train practitioners in HCA’s unique health behaviour change methodology.
Alison Hodge
Alison is an EMCC accredited coach at Master Practitioner level and an APECS accredited Executive Coaching Supervisor. She has been working with individuals and groups to facilitate learning and change throughout her career. She delights in the power of the relationship to heighten individuals’ personal awareness and tap into their massive resource of capabilities and talents.
Professionally, she offers individual and group supervision for coaches and consultants working primarily in the corporate world, and for those who have particular interest in individual, group and organisational change and development. She is currently reading for her Professional Doctorate in Coaching Supervision at Middlesex University in the UK.
Debra Jinks
Debra has a BA in Counselling and an MSc in Coaching. She is a pioneer in the promotion of integration of coaching and therapy. Debra describes herself as an Integrative Coach-Therapist or Personal Consultant and works in a way that manages both proactive and practical coaching requirements alongside therapeutic needs. She therefore offers a service that balances the need to address problems that are often deep seated – as well as being able to explore how to achieve aspirations. Her approach to change is proactive, practical and dynamic as well as offering the space to individuals and organisations to also work in a restorative way. If deep rooted issues are not addressed then old problems and patterns tend to re emerge…
Debra’s coordinated and structured approach that means you can address the things that may be holding you back and are barriers to success as well as working out exactly how to achieve your goals.
Debra draws on experience of working with a wide range of clients including NHS, Department of Education, Health Trusts, Educational Institutions, Social Care Providers and businesses and individuals who are seeking to enhance performance, identify and address deep rooted issues and patterns, maintain and improve well being and fitness, increase productivity and enhance communication, image, relationships and careers. In addition to her coaching business she is a co director of Integrate Training that offers robust training and education in Personal Consultancy and integrative coach-therapy supervision.
Debra’s co-authored book with Dr Nash Popovic, ‘Personal Consultancy: A model for integrating coaching and therapy’ is being published by Routledge and will be available in November. Debra is the founding Chair of the Association of Integrative Coach-Therapists (AICTP). AICTP was established in March 2012 to provide guidance and support to the growing number of practitioners who are practise integration of coaching and therapy or are interested in doing so.
Graham Lee
Graham Lee works as a leadership coach, coach supervisor, psychoanalytic psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher. In organisations he works with senior leaders and their teams with a particular focus on authenticity and interpersonal effectiveness, and he teaches mindfulness as part of leadership development initiatives. He provides individual supervision, face-to-face or by phone, and he runs coaching supervision groups in central London. He is author of Leadership Coaching: From Personal Insight to Organisational Performance, and contributes periodic articles to Coaching at Work and other journals.
David Megginson
David Megginson is Emeritus Professor of Human Resource Development at Sheffield Business School in Sheffield Hallam University, where he founded the Coaching and Mentoring Research Unit. He was a founder of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, and is author of 18 books on coaching and mentoring and other aspects of Human Resource Development.
Dr. Christian van Nieuwerburgh
Christian is a highly sought-after executive coach, academic and international consultant with significant leadership experience in the public sector.
Christian has a richly diverse career history. Starting his professional life as a teacher in a secondary school in Beirut, he moved into senior marketing and business development roles in a number of private sector organisations in the Middle East. Since moving to the UK in 1997, Christian has been a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s marketing team and a senior manager within education departments of two highly-rated local authorities.
With over 12 years of experience working within the state education sector, Christian now divides his time across a number of fulfilling roles:
* Programme Leader for the MSc in Coaching Psychology at the University of East London
* Chief Executive of the International Centre for Coaching in Education Ltd.
* Executive Coach and Leadership Mentor for the West Midlands Coaching Pool
He is published in the field of coaching in education and continues to work with schools, local authorities and private sector companies in the UK and the Middle East. Christian is currently collaborating with experts in the US and Australia to develop new strategies for implementing coaching cultures in schools. He is passionate about the power of coaching to support all to achieve more of their potential.
Maria Salkeld
Maria is an experienced Learning and Development professional with over fourteen years experience of designing, implementing and delivering Leadership and Talent programmes. She has held a number of roles in Learning and Development working in range of dynamic and fast paced organisations most recently in Aviva and Asda Walmart.
Her time at Asda has been spent designing and implementing senior leadership programmes which included tendering, identifying and managing a pool of Executive Coaches, developing and implementing a new Leadership framework for over 15,000 leaders, designing and implementing high potential programmes for senior leaders across the business, building a coaching and mentoring strategy, as well as collaborating with Walmart International to ensure Asda leverage global talent interventions.
Her most recent role focuses on driving and supporting Asda’s Talent Management strategy. Currently she is working on a number of talent projects including developing the lines capability in managing talent, developing a consistent approach to identifying Potential, developing the Organisations Talent review processes, designing & developing guidance on building a career in Asda at every level and developing a promotions framework
Maria is passionate about developing others through coaching and mentoring and alongside being a certified practitioner for Strengthscope™ and an accredited Coach with Oxford Coach Mentoring, actively coaches her team and mentors colleagues both within and outside Asda.
Nicki Seignot
Nicki has over 25 years experience in the field of people management, leadership development and coaching, working within the retail sector. She has worked with senior leaders and executive board members to design, and implement mentoring and coaching schemes, talent management and flagship leadership development programmes.
Nicki is an established internal coach/mentor and facilitator. Her practice extends across a range of individuals and teams, including directors, high potential managers and graduates.
Nicki is a certified practitioner for Strengthscope™ and is also in the final year of a MSc in Coaching and Mentoring at Sheffield Hallam Business School. Mentoring is Nicki’s passion, she has a strong belief in the power of mentoring using role models to support individuals to achieve their potential. Most recently, she is the creator of, and lead mentor for, MumtoMum an innovative maternity mentoring programme within Asda.
External to her Asda portfolio, Nicki also works as an independent coach and mentor and is an active member of the EMCC East Midlands Regional Network Group.
Doug Strycharczyk
Doug Strycharczyk has more than 30 years’ experience in a variety of Line, HR & Consultancy roles with a number of global blue chip businesses. In 1989 he founded AQR. Doug is the CEO of AQR – now recognised as one of the most innovative (and fast growing) test publishers in the world. Doug is now recognised as one of the world’s leading authorities on the application of mental toughness to every sector in commerce and society.
With Peter Clough he has authored Developing Mental Toughness. Improving performance, wellbeing and positive behaviour in others. (2011) (Kogan Page). A surprising best seller, selling out in less than 8 months. He has now been commissioned by Kogan Page to write “Developing Resilient Organisations for the 21st Century” to be published in 2014.
Doug’s areas of expertise include development of Psychometric Tests and Programmes –playing a key role in developing MTQ48 and ILM72, Organisational Development, Senior Management/Leadership Development and Top Team Assessment. More recently, this role has led to work within the Education Sector. He is working at SE, FE and HE levels to develop programmes and approaches which attend to student wellbeing /satisfaction, employability, performance and transition. This crossover gives AQR a unique perspective on the issues of employability, performance and leadership – and how these come together.
“I have attended three of Doug’s presentations on Leadership and Organisational Development. While his core thesis endures, grounded in his original research and model building, every presentation was different. The core model remains relevant and current. The adaptation to different aspects of leadership, recruitment, training, organisational culture etc. are engaging and thought provoking. At the last session that he delivered at Swansea Business School, the audience of practicing business managers and MBA students was so taken by Doug’s interactive approach that he was forced to abandon his planned presentation, so that he could effectively conduct a master class. I would heartily recommend Doug as an inspiring and challenging speaker.” Steve Griffiths Assistant Dean, Faculty of Business and Management, Swansea Business School 2013
Doug has co-authored with Dr Peter Clough chapters in the following leading books:
- Psychometrics in Coaching (2009) (Kogan Page & Association for Coaching)
- Leadership Coaching (2010) (Kogan Page & Association for Coaching)
- Coaching in Education (2011) (Karnac Books)
And most recently Doug has been commissioned by the Coaching at Work magazine to write a series of articles on Coaching Mental Toughness, Instructional Coaching and Resilient Leadership.
Doug holds a first class honours degree in Economics. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development and a member of the Institute for Leadership & Management.
- École hôtelière de Lausanne, or EHL – Alumni Association Nov 2010 ‘Mental Toughness’
- CIPD HRD Conference – April 2009 – Developing Tomorrows Leaders
- CIPD MANCHESTER JAN 2010 – Developing resilience through coaching – introducing mental toughness and mtq48
- Chartered Management Institute North East, Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Conference 2009 – Mental Toughness – Does It Pay to be the Tough Guy?
- International Conference on Coaching and Positive Psychology in Education – University of East London (2 July 2010) – Developing Resilience in Children
- Dubai Women’s College Seminar May 2010 – MENTAL TOUGHNESS and the DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG PEOPLE
- European Mentoring and Coaching Council Conference November 2009 – DEVELOPING RESILIENCE THROUGH COACHING
- Institute of Career Guidance Conference 2010 – Mental Toughness
- IET, University of Liverpool Management School, April 2010 – Mental Toughness and Leadership
- ILM CPD Event Dubai January 2011- Innovations in Psychometrics
- International Konwent HR Conference September 2008, Poland – DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP STYLE & BEHAVIOUR MAKING SENSE OUT OF CHAOS
- AQR International Conference March 2010 – MENTAL TOUGHNESS – A CONCEPT FOR OUR TIMES
- LEAD ON CONFERENCE MARCH 2009 – Developing Mental Toughness
- NAMC 4th Dec 2010 – Developing Mental Toughness
- National Career Guidance Show, March 2010, London – Mental Toughness & its role in career guidance and the development of young people.
- OD Innovation Network March 2010, London – MENTAL TOUGHNESS
- PPMA Conference April 2009 – Techniques for Developing Mental Toughness / Mental Resilience
- Society of Local Council Clerks National Conference 2009, Daventry – Mental Toughness – The key to developing resilience in difficult times
- UEL – ILM – AQR CONFERENCE March 2011 – Innovations in Coaching
- American Academy Limassol January 2011 – Innovations in Improving Performance
- Warrington & St Helens CIPD March 2011 – Mental Toughness
- Welsh Public Service Coaching Collaborative April 2010 – Mental Toughness and Integrated Leadership Model & Measure
- THE INTEGRATED LEADERSHIP MODEL – making sense out of chaos.
- YORKSHIRE AND HUMBERSIDE LOCAL GOVERNMENT JULY 2010 – Innovations in Improving Performance
- European Council for Business Education in Bruges – Mental Toughness & its role in career guidance and the development of young people.
- European Mentoring and Coaching Council Conference September 2011, Paris – Leadership Coaching
- FORD College – Raising Dealership Performance
- Developing Resilient Organisations Conference – April 2012 (Edinburg, London, Chester, Isle of Man and Cardiff)
- Department of Education and Children, Isle of Man – Preparing young people for work conference – October 2012
- Coaching Conference, Kansas, US – Coaching Mental Toughness – October 2012
- West Midlands Coaching Pool Conference 2012 – Coaching for Resilience – Dealing with challenging times with a positive mind-set. Applying tools, techniques and approaches to develop positive mind-set in organisations and people. – November 2012